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Aboard ship, a gas free certificate is good for a maximum of 8 hours. After 8 hours, the testing must be repeated. While testing, the GFE or the marine chemist must wear the protective equipment required by the certificate and his or her supervisor. Ashore, the gas free certificate issued by the marine chemist will indicate retest  periodicity. Requesting Gas Free Services Now that we know why we have gas free testing, we need to know who performs the service. Anytime you  have  a  need  to  enter  a  confined  or  enclosed  space aboard ship, you must make a request to have the space tested to ensure it is gas free. Contact the damage control assistant (DCA) or fire marshal to arrange for these services.  For  more  information  on  the  Gas  Free Engineering  Program  afloat,  consult  OPNAVINST 5100.19B,  chapter  B8,  and  Naval  Ships’  Technical Manual (NSTM), chapter 074, volume 3. Ashore,  the  marine  chemist  performs  gas  free services  as  outlined  in  OPNAVINST  5100.23C, chapter 27. MEDICAL  SURVEILLANCE  PROGRAM The Medical Surveillance Program monitors the continuing health of certain personnel. The results of the industrial hygiene surveys, as interpreted by qualified occupational   health   professionals,   determine   the selection   of   personnel   for   medical   surveillance examinations.  The  medical  department  representative (MDR)  and  the  division  officer  identify  personnel  who require  medical  surveillance.  The  MDR  follows  the guidance  of  the  Medical  Surveillanee  Procedures Manual;   Navy   Occupational   Health   Information Management  System  (NOHIMS)  Medical  Matrix;  and Navy  Environmental  Health  Center  (NAVENVHLTH- CEN) Technical Manual,  NEHC-TM91.5. Navy facilities ashore and afloat establish military and   civilian   employee   medical   treatment   and surveillance    programs.   Medical   facilities   ashore provide direct support to ships that are not equipped or staffed  to  provide  appropriate  medical  surveillance  and documentation.  In  general,  these  programs  monitor  the following  areas:     Job certification or recertification to determine a person’s  fitness  to  begin  or  continue  to  perform a job safely and effectively The   effectiveness   of   major   hazard-specific programs based on a continuing check on the health  status  of  exposed  personnel As a secondary prevention, the detection of early indicators  of  excessive  exposure  caused  by  the work environment before actual illness, disease, or injury occurs and to allow for the timely start of corrective actions to prevent any long-term adverse  effects Compliance with the requirements of certain NAVOSH  standards Medical  Examinations The types of examinations scheduled are preplace- ment  or  base-line,  special-purpose  or  periodic,  and termination.  Medical  examinations  assess  the  health status  of  people  as  it  relates  to  their  work.  These examinations  produce  specific  information  that determines the adequacy of protection for personnel from  potential  workplace  hazards.  The  medical examination  may  include  a  physical  examination, clinical   laboratory   tests,   radiologic   exams   and physiologic testing, or an inquiry about the person’s occupational  history.  OPNAV  Form  5100/15,  Medical Surveillance  Questionnaire  (figs.  5-9A  and  5-9B), shows an individual’s previous and current employ- ment. This information helps identify work or other activities that may pose a potential health hazard for the person.  Occupational  medical  examinations  are scheduled  based  on  a  person’s  birth  month  or  as operational  requirements  permit.  For  hazard-specific medical surveillance, a medical examination will be provided when the action level of the contaminant is exceeded. An examination is also provided when the exposure exceeds 30 days per year. Medical  Records Existing  directives  dictate  procedures  on  the maintenance, retention, and disposal of medical records. The  cognizant  medical  command,  branch  clinic,  or Military Sealift Command medical offices maintain records consisting of forms, correspondence, and other files  that  relate  to  an  employee’s  medical  and occupational history. Other information includes occu- pational injuries or illnesses, physical examinations, and all other treatment received in a health unit. Included, too,  are  audiograms;  pulmonary  function  tests; industrial hygiene computations; laboratory and x-ray findings; and records of personal exposure to physical, biological, and chemical hazards. A problem summary 5-24

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