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electrical safety, and personal protective clothing. In
addition, we discussed hazardous material/hazardous
waste, asbestos control, gas free engineering, lead
control, and medical surveillance.
You have a duty to yourself and the people you work
with to know and enforce all safety regulations. Before
assigning personnel to a task that can harm them in any
way, ensure the y are familiar with and know the correct
safety procedures. Make sure they are wearing the
proper protective clothing and using the correct
respirator. Provide them with adequate eye and hearing
protection. Take no short cuts and do all jobs safely. Get
copies of OPNAVINST 5100.23C, Naval Occupational
Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual, and
OPNAVINST 5100.19B, Navy Occupational Health
and Safety Program Manual for Forces Afloat. Become
familiar with them. Remember the adage, The life you
save may be your own.
Complacency, haste to complete a job, and the it
cant happen to me attitude can hinder an effective
self-policing safety program. A safe environment
requires us to stay alert, be patient, and think safety at
all times.