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Mishaps in the category of home, sports, and
recreation rank second only to privately owned motor
vehicle accidents as a major cause of accidental injury.
Sports and recreational injuries cost the Navy millions
of dollars each year and result in a loss of countless
man-years of work. In addition, these injuries result in
impaired combat effectiveness because of the loss of
skilled personnelsome temporarily disabled and
others permanently handicapped.
In sports mishaps involving the category of
supervisory deficiencies, the major factor is inade-
quate instruction. That shows the need for sound
coaching and officiating of athletic contests. Is the intent
of athletic contests to develop the body and a com-
petitive spirit or just to win? You can effectively reduce
injuries in sports and recreation by following these
Use proven administrative controls
Effectively lead and supervise
Provide and maintain adequate
Properly condition participants
equipment and
You can prevent mishaps at home and in sports and
recreation by identifying, isolating, eliminating, or
controlling hazards. You should guard against those
hazards you cannot eliminate. Finally, avoid creating
new hazards.
Refer to OPNAVINST 5102.1C, Mishap Investi-
gation and Reporting, for a list of the requirements for
investigation and reporting of mishaps ashore. You must
report any fatality or injury that occurs on government
property, whether it involves civilian personnel, military
personnel, or military dependents. Additionally, report
fatalities or injuries that occur in conjunction with
command-sponsored events off government property.
Afloat, mishaps are reported based on OPNAVINST
5100.21B, Afloat Mishap Investigation and Reporting,
In general, an injury is reportable if the injured person
loses at least 5 working days because of that injury. All
fatalities are reportable. These reports are sent to the
Naval Safety Center within 30 days of the mishap.
In this chapter, we addressed the Navy Recreation,
Athletics, and Home Safety Program. We examined the
various types of personal protective equipment (PPE)
individuals must wear when taking part in various
sporting, athletic, and home activities. We discussed the
various training Navy personnel must receive. We
addressed various recreational safety controls com-
mands and supervisors must follow. We discussed
safety precautions for various recreation and athletic
activities, including water sports. We covered various
home hazards and safety precautions. Finally, we
examined the reporting and investigating requirements
for recreation and sports mishaps.