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prevent a fire in the first place. The three main
precautions you should take to help prevent fires are as
1. Install fire or smoke detectors.
2. Plan fire escapes.
3. Reduce fire hazards.
Most fatal home fires occur at night while people
sleep. Smoke usually precedes measurable amounts of
heat in most cases of fire. Fire produces toxic gases and
smoke that actually numbs the senses. If you are asleep
or become disoriented by toxic gases, you may not even
realize there is a fire. You cannot rely on your own
senses to detect a fire. So, it is extremely important for
you to install fire or smoke-detectors to sound an alarm.
In addition, you and your family should practice escape
drills. Make sure everyone in the family knows the
phone number of the fire department.
There are two types of detectorssmoke detectors
and fire detectors. Smoke detectors sound an alarm at
the first trace of smoke. Heat or fire detectors sound an
alarm to warn of an abnormally high temperature in the
immediate area of the detector. Detectors can either be
battery operated or part of a homes central wiring
system. Be sure to install a detector on a circuit that you
cannot turn off at a wall switch.
The National Fire Prevention Associations
(NFPA) Standard 74 for household fire-warning equip-
ment recommends you install one smoke detector
outside each sleeping area of your house. You should
install additional detectors on each story of your house.
Dont forget the basement and attic, too. Supplement
these detectors with additional detectors around the
home, such as in hallways, utility rooms, the dining
room, and furnace room.
Smoke rises, filling the highest points in a house,
before moving down to the floor. To detect the first
traces of smoke, mount the detector high on a wall or on
the ceiling. Mount ceiling-mounted fire or smoke
detectors at least 4 inches away from any wall. If you
mount a detector on a wall, allow 4 to 12 inches from
the ceiling. In a room with a high-pitched ceiling, mount
the detector on or near the highest point of the ceiling.
DO NOT install fire or smoke detectors near windows,
doors, or air registers where drafts could affect their
More children die each
injuries than from childhood
year from preventable
diseases. Accidents are
killing our children at an alarming rate. Mishaps are the
leading cause of death for children aged 1 to 14 years.
The Department of Defense (DOD) takes part in a
national campaign to safeguard our children. The
National Safe Kids Campaign began in 1988 to
eliminate mishaps to children through parental
education and improvement of national safety codes and
standards. To provide a balanced program covering all
facets of childrens safety, the campaign focuses each
year on a different high-risk area.
BURNS AND SCALDS. The number of children
burned and scalded is alarmingly high. Many children
under age 14 are treated in emergency rooms after being
scalded by food; tap water; and hot liquids, such as
grease. Most of these scalds occur in the kitchen. Keep
all pots and pans out of childrens reach. Keep hot
substances away from the edges of tables and counters.
Hot tap water can easily scald children, especially
in the bathtub. Always supervise your children in and
around water. To prevent tap water scalds, stay with
your children while they are taking a bath. You should
check the temperature of bath water before bathing your
child. (Hot water heaters should not be set higher than
120 degrees.)
Keep dangling enticements, such as a coffee pot
cord or the drape of a table cloth, away from children.
seconds a child is poisoned in this country. A bottle of
kitchen cleanser is harmless when adults use it to clean
areas of the house. However, put that same bottle of
kitchen cleanser into the hands of a curious child and
you have a deadly situation. Children cannot protect
themselves from accidental poisoning. You can,
however, prevent accidental poisonings in your home.
Some causes of childrens accidental poisonings are
medicines, household chemicals, cleaning products,
make up, and plants; medicines cause most of the
poisonings. Keep such common household items out of
sight and reach of children.
The commanding officer is responsible for seeking
ways and means of controlling and preventing injuries.
That includes both on- and off-duty activities. Whether
personnel are injured on the job or at home, their injuries
can have an impact on mission readiness. Mishap
prevention also extends to off-duty activities.