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Preview  the  film  or  video  tape  before  you conduct training. Before you begin training, you should first go through the entire program at least once to become familiar with the subject. Anticipate questions people may ask and be prepared to answer them. Study  the  current  Navy  safety  policies  and regulations that relate to the program. List the references for your topic in the lesson guide. Use handout materials if they can add to the training, Handouts work two ways—they give students something to take back with them to the work area, and they are a good source of information for later reference or summary. The lesson guide that supports a specific topic  may  provide  suggested  handout  materials  you  can easily reproduce on a copier machine. Acquaint  yourself  with  your  lesson  guide  or outline.  If  you  get  lost  or  confused,  you  will  look unprepared. That can discredit you in the eyes of your students. Pay  attention  to  class  time.  Keep  the  session moving and lively. Nothing is worse than a session that drags  on  aimlessly  and  painfully. KEEP  TRAINING  SHORT! TRAIN EARLY IN THE DAY! At times you may have problems creating a good climate for learning; you may have to search for a place to conduct training. Aboard ship, you may find yourself teaching in a crew’s mess area or a workshop. Ashore, you may have to teach in a lunchroom, conference room, or shop area. Students may have to stand. You may also have noise to contend with from ventilation or operating equipment.  Understand  that  certain  factors  affect learning, including the “classroom” itself. Simple human needs affect how well or how fast we learn.  Physiological  needs  include  being  cold,  hot, hungry,  or  tired.  Having  such  needs  will  prevent personnel   from   learning   because   they   will   be concentrating  on  their  body’s  needs  first.  Social  needs have an impact on any group of people. All people want to have a feeling of belonging and to feel needed by others. Personnel develop a sense of belonging more easily within familiar surroundings. Adults also have an ego need; that is, a need to feel useful and respected. Try not to talk down to your students or over their heads. Never assume they should know a safety precaution simply because it requires common sense, and never belittle  them  if  they  don’t. The safety instructor’s style is also an important factor.  In  developing  your  own  style,  be  sure  you observe  the  following  guidelines: Always  accept  a  person’s  answer—don’t embarrass  a  student  who  has  given  the  wrong answer. Try to provide a positive statement. Say, “You’re on the right track,” rather than, “That’s wrong.” Talk to the entire group, not just to the front row. Move around. Speak loud enough that people sitting in the back of the room can hear you. Watch your mannerism. Relax. Take command of the group by your body language. Safety  training  is  often  routine  and  repetitive. Impress  upon  your  students  the  importance  of  safety training. Be prepared and present your training material in a professional and enthusiastic manner. SUMMARY In this chapter you have learned about the history of the NAVOSH Program. We have introduced you to the current  safety  organization’s  program  mission  and objectives. We discussed the Naval Safety Center. We addressed safety and occupational health principles along with the elements of a local safety program. Remember,  an  effective  safety  program  is  everyone’s responsibility.  Safety is a six-letter word for a 7-day job! 1-18

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