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Safety Surveys Safety  surveys  are  informal  safety  program evaluations  conducted  by  the  Naval  Safety  Center. These  surveys  are  excellent  training  opportunities  for safety supervisors. Checklists are used to determine safety   requirements   for   each   discrepancy.   Shore, surface ship, submarine, and aviation safety surveys are available  upon  request  from  the  Naval  Safety  Center. The results of safety surveys are provided directly to the commanding  officer  or  commander,  but  to  no  one  else in the chain of command. Video Tapes and Training Aids Video tapes, films, and other visual training aids are good supplements to your safety training program. They should  be  used  in  conjunction  with  lectures  or discussions.  Since  many  young  people  are  media- oriented, video tapes and films capture their attention. However, video tapes and films should never be used as a substitute for a monitored presentation. Naval Education and Training Support Centers on each coast maintain libraries from which you may order training films. The addresses and phone numbers of those libraries are as follows: Naval  Education  and  Training  Support  Center, Atlantic Code N5, Bldg. W313 Naval  Station,  Norfolk,  VA  23511-6197 Phone  (804)  444-4011/1468, Defense  Switched  Network  (DSN) 564-4011/1468 Naval  Education  and  Training  Support  Center, Pacific 921 West Broadway San Diego, CA 92132-1360 Phone (619) 532-1360, DSN 522-1360 Catalog  of  Navy/Marine  Corps  Audiovisual Productions,  OPNAV  P-09B1-01-88,  and  NAVOSH Training Guide for Forces Afloat,  NAVEDTRA  10074, provide a list of safety training films. In some instances, you may borrow training aids from industrial hygiene or occupational health departments at medical clinics or naval environmental and preventive medicine units (NEPMUs). Training aids for submarine force units are listed in the Submarine On-Board-Training (SOBT) Products Catalog. The catalog is available through COMSUB- GRU-2,  Code  N-24,  Naval  Submarine  Base,  New London, CT 06349-5100, commercial (203) 449-3485 or DSN 241-3485. SOBT distributes safety video tapes for  permanent  retention  by  submarine  force  units. NAVOSH  training  topic  video  tapes  are  distributed to each afloat unit. These tapes are accompanied by a NAVOSH video tape user’s guide. The user’s guide explains  the  purpose  of  and  provides  an  introduction  to the video tape. BEING AN EFFECTIVE SAFETY TRAINER The work center or area supervisor is an important link  in  the  Navy’s  safety  training  program.  These supervisors   are   responsible   for   specific   training sessions,  including  monthly  5-minute  stand-up  training lectures.  The  success  of  training  depends  on  the  vigor and leadership demonstrated by the supervisor. The supervisor has the practical experience on the job to teach safety skills. But first, the supervisor must understand  the  subject  matter, understand how to teach it, and understand how to motivate people to learn. Training  conducted  by  supervisors  has  special challenges.  You  are  a  busy  person  and  have  many concerns—of  which  safety  is  only  one.  A  training session should be brief, clear, and to the point to be well received and effective. Keep an open mind and a helpful attitude. Use your experience and knowledge to help trainees  relate  to  safety  situations  within  the  Navy  and in their job. Your goals are as follows: To arrange for conditions that allow effective learning.  Good  environmental  conditions  won’t make  your  training  effective,  but  poor  conditions can prevent personnel from learning even during the  best  training  session.  Arranging  for  a  good learning  environment  is  more  of  a  challenge aboard  ship. To clearly emphasize the most important points as they relate to the Navy. To  impress  your  students  with  good  safety attitudes. To attain these goals you should take the following steps: Prepare an outline or lesson guide on your topic. The  NAVOSH   Training   Guide   for   Forces   Afloat, NAVEDTRA  10074,  includes  20  NAVOSH  lesson guides. You can adapt them to fit your audience. Preview  the  film  or  video  tape  before  you conduct  training.  Before  you  begin  training,  you  should 1-17

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