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5. Increased industrial activity
6. After a serious mishap
Safety training is accomplished through on-the-job
training, general military training, indoctrination
training, formal safety courses, safety standdowns,
and safety surveys. The command training officer
schedules required safety training, such as GMT and
indoctrination. This training then becomes part of the
command training plan. Safety professionals and safety
supervisors must attend formal safety courses as part of
their assignment. Safety standdowns consist of periods,
usually of 1 or 2 days, of intensive safety training and
On-the-Job Training
Training, cross-training, and qualifying for specific
skills require the use of proper safety precautions. Safety
precautions are a part of all standard operating
procedures (SOP).
By monitoring safety precautions during routine
work situations, you can detect unsafe practices. Once
detected, you can take immediate action by providing
training to correct those practices.
Monitoring of on-the-job safety practices serves as
an evaluation of the training provided by supervisory
personnel. It checks the effectiveness of training in all
aspects of everyday life aboard your command. Those
aspects include the planned maintenance system (PMS),
weapons systems operations, damage control, fire
fighting, and general housekeeping. Mishap trends also
help target needed mishap prevention training.
General Military Training
Routine, shipboard general military training (GMT)
must include safety topics. Aboard ship, the Planning
Board for Training meets periodically to schedule
training and ships evolutions. The safety officer must
ensure safety topics, especially the topic of required
annual safety training, are included in the command
training plan. General military training (GMT) can be
accomplished through video tapes, stand-up lectures,
drills, or a combination of methods. Training should be
monitored and documented. Ashore, military personnel
should also receive safety topic training as part of their
regularly scheduled GMT.
Indoctrination Training
All new workers or sailors receive some type of
indoctrination training to help them become familiar
with their new job. Aboard ship, that is accomplished
through Indoctrination Division, School-of-the-Ship, or
submarine Phase I training. New worker indoctrination
must include safety topics.
5100.19B require indoctrination training on the
commands overall NAVOSH Program. Federal
Hazard Communication Standard training is required
for all shore personnel who will be in contact with
hazardous materials. Aboard surface ships,
indoctrination training is required on back injury
prevention, gas-free engineering, electrical safety, the
tag-out program, and the radiation safety program.
Formal Safety Courses
A variety of formal safety courses are provided for
Navy safety professionals. All safety officers and
one-half the safety petty officers assigned aboard ship
must take part in formal safety training. Civilian safety
managers must attend formal courses and refresher
training. OPNAVINST 5100.23C and OPNAVINST
5100.19B provide course requirements. The Naval
Safety School in Norfolk, Virginia, provides numerous
shore safety courses. Fleet Training Centers in Norfolk
and San Diego conduct safety supervisor and hazardous
material training. The Surface Warfare Officer School
in Newport, Rhode Island, presents the Afloat Safety
Officer course. Submarine training facilities in Norfolk
and Pearl Harbor conduct the Submarine Safety Officer
Safety Standdowns
In 1989, in response to a rash of Navy mishaps, the
Chief of Naval Operations called for a Navywide safety
standdown. A safety standdown is a period, usually of
1 or 2 days, set aside for safety training, awareness, and
drills. Type commander instructions require afloat units
to conduct safety standdowns at least once a year, while
yearly standdowns are recommended to other units.
Shore commands may also take part in safety
standdowns. A standdown may be called any time the
command notes a particular safety problem or wants to
reemphasize safety on a specific topic. For example, if
a command has a serious mishap, it may have personnel
take part in a safety standdown for a morning instead of
working. Personnel may then review the events leading
to the mishap and discuss the lessons learned.