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2-34. The safety inspection in section D of the Vehicle Use Log should be completed at what interval? 1. Before each use 2. Daily 3. Weekly 4. Monthly 2-35. Domicile-to-duty use of a government vehicle may be authorized to any member of the Recruiting Command. 1. True 2. False 2-36. Under which of the following circumstances may domicile-to-duty  be  authorized? 1. The ZS is going to conduct a station inspection 2. There is no secure parking at the assigned NRS 3. The CR is going to give a speech at a Chamber of Commerce meeting 4. A RINC is going to give training at another NRS 2-37. The  commanding  officer  may  give  which  of  the following individuals authority to grant domicile- to-duty  use  of  a  government  vehicle? 1. CR and above only 2. ZS and above only 3. RINC  and  above  only 4. Any  production  personnel 2-38. Authorized use of domicile-to-duty must be reported to the approving official at which of the following  times? 1. The  next  working  day 2. Within  5  working  days 3. Within  10  working  days 4. At the end of each month 2-39. If your zone has had no domicile-to-duty use for the month, which, if any, of the following actions should you take? 1. Forward  a  negative  report 2. Call in a negative reply 3. Send a memo stating no domicile-to-duty use was  made 4. None of the above 2-40. The district’s vehicle allowance is based on which of  the  following  allotments  for  enlisted  recruiters? 1. One vehicle per recruiter 2. .75  vehicle  per  recruiter 3. .50  vehicle  per  recruiter 4. .33  vehicle  per  recruiter 2-41. The vehicle coordinator will notify operators of required scheduled maintenance by which of the following  means? 1. Forwarding  a  Motor  Vehicle  Service Authorization 2. Forwarding a maintenance memorandum 3. Calling  the  RINC  responsible  for  the  vehicle 4. Scheduling the maintenance with an authorized  dealer 2-42. After notification of required preventive maintenance,  you  should  have  the  maintenance completed within what maximum period of time? 1. 5  working  days 2. 10  working  days 3. 15  working  days 4. 30  working  days 2-43. Your government vehicle has a flat tire, requiring tube  repair,  Which  of  the  following  actions should you take? 1. Use the government credit card 2. Obtain  authorization  from  the  vehicle coordinator 3. Obtain  authorization  from  GSA 4. Have the repair bill forwarded to the NRD 2-44. Of the following services, which is NOT authorized  for  purchase  with  the  government  credit card? 1. Gasohol 2. Fan belts 3. Wax 4. Windshield  wiper  arms 2-45. Safety stand-downs should be conducted at which of  the  following  intervals? 1. Monthly 2. Quarterly 3.    Semiannually 4.    Annually 10

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