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zone before the formal board. There is nothing secret
about an RQS board. Make sure the candidates know
what to expect. Their performance is a direct reflection
on your leadership ability.
OJT is as varied as the skills and personalities of the
personnel concerned. People learn best in different ways.
Your job as a supervisor is to match the training method
with the individual to accomplish your goal of fully
trained recruiters. A proverb explains the purpose of
OJT well: Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach
a man to fish and you feed him for life.
You must observe your recruiters and RINCs closely
to determine training requirements. Daily production
reviews and analysis systems may identify areas of
concern, but only personal observation will confirm
training needs. Just as you would not want to handle
objections that do not exist in the sales interview, you
dont want to train recruiters on discrepancies that do not
exist. Consider the recruiter who had an extremely low
interview-to-contract conversion rate. Without actually
watching the recruiter conduct an interview, the RINC
decided, based on analysis, that the recruiter needed
training on closing the sale. For weeks the RINC
repeated the closing training without improvement.
Finally, the RINC watched the recruiter conduct an
interview. The real problem was obvious. The recruiter
was not tailoring the sales presentation to the prospects
wants, needs, and dominant buying motives (DBMs).
The RINC conducted OJT on want, need, and DBM
identification and saw the recruiter rise to one of the
districts top recruiters. Make sure your training stories
have a successful ending look before you leap (train).
The show-and-tell method of OJT is easier for
personnel to understand. It also builds their confidence
in the training when they can actually see it being done.
Your training and your reputation will hold more
veracity when you demonstrate the skills being taught.
Hit the street, have some fun, and watch your recruiters
improve their skills. Getting out amongst them will
also help you keep your perspective and notice any new
trends that may affect the market.
After a training session, have the trainees tell you
what they have learned. Not only does it complete the
communication cycle, it will help you gauge the
effectiveness of your training. This feedback also will
help prevent misconceptions.
As soon as you identify OJT requirements, plan time
on your ZSs planner/itinerary or station planner to
conduct it. You can preplan times that will be devoted
to individual OJT and later plan the topics that will best
benefit the recruiter. Of course, unplanned OJT can be
conducted any time the need arises.
Be sure to document all training in the members
training record. Be specific with your entry. Most OJT
sessions will require more than a one-line training
syllabus entry. Refer back to figure 2-2 for an example
of a properly documented OJT entry.
Your Area or district may provide you with lesson
plans for formal and GMT training. Regardless, you
should know how to develop a lesson plan. Developing
your own lesson plans is a training exercise in itself and
delivering them is often easier when you have provided
the personal touch.
The lesson plan gives the instructor a sense of which
steps will require the most preparation and which
activities of the lesson will be most difficult to conduct.
The lesson plan gives the instructor an overview of the
time needed to deliver the lesson as a whole and the
time for each of the learning points within the lesson. It
gives the instructor a step-by-step procedure for
delivering the lesson and a sense of which steps are
most critical to the success of the lesson. Yes, the lesson
plan is for you, the instructor.
An effective lesson plan takes time and organization.
The following steps will help you to develop lesson
plans that are both easily instructed and well received.