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Determine  Lesson  Objectives Lesson   objectives should  have  a  worthwhile purpose. Personnel should have a valid need for the objectives being taught. Limit your objectives to specific knowledge or performance requirements. Make sure the objectives  can  be  achieved  in  the  time  allotted  for  your training  session. Conduct  Research This step is often called mastering the subject. Don’t immediately go to the reference books. First, explore your own knowledge of the subject. Think of your own lessons learned and experience. Next, consult with others in the same field. Other RINCs and ZSs, while having similar  experiences,  may  have  ideas  to  add.  Finally,  turn to written sources for additional material and verification of what you have gathered from your own and others’ experience. Organize Your Subject Matter Use a logical sequence to lead students from one point to another. Outline your lesson content. Learning objectives  will  serve  as  main  points  of  the  lesson.  Lead students from known to unknown and from simple to complex. Select Methods and Instructional Aids As mentioned earlier, people learn in different ways and some subject matter lends itself to one teaching method above others. It is up to you to decide at this point  which  method  of  delivery  you  will  use  and  to determine the need for instructional aids. TEACHING   METHODS.–   Formal teaching methods  include  lecture,  guided  discussion,  and demonstration   performance. Lecture.– The instructor does all the teaching in the lecture  method.  The  instructor  delivers  the  information from  the  lesson  plan.  This  method  is  useful  when introducing new material or information that is absolute in  nature. Guided  Discussion.–  As the name implies, the guided  discussion  method  is  designed  to  involve  all students in the teaching evolution. The instructor acts as a facilitator, guiding the discussion toward the lesson objectives.  This  is  a  particularly  effective  method  when training to areas without absolutes; for example, itinerary development.  In  the  guided  discussion  method,  you  want the  students  to  provide  as  much  information  as  possible. You should ask open-ended questions and reinforce and summarize points made that meet the lesson objectives. Demonstration Performance.– The  demonstration performance method  requires that  you  actually demonstrate  a  skill  or  technique  and  then  have  the students  perform.  You  may  remember  this  is  the  method used in ENRO to teach sales. This method is used for subjects that lend themselves to showing rather than telling. INSTRUCTIONAL   AIDS.–   Professional instructional  aids  can  help  you  meet  your  lesson objectives.  They  should  be  designed  to  enhance  the lesson rather than teach it. Instructional aids include visual  aids,  demonstrations,  and  written  material. Visual Aids.– A variety of visual aids can add to your lesson. Evaluate the lesson to determine what type of  visual  aid  will  best  emphasize  important  points. Movies,  transparencies,  flip  charts,  blackboards,  and  felt boards are all examples of visual aids. Demonstrations.–   Use   your   imagination   for demonstrations to enhance learning objectives. Try to involve  others  in  the  demonstration  whenever  possible. Take full advantage of the talent in your station or zone to benefit the team. Written  Material.–  You  may  want  to  pass  out material that you feel recruiters would want to keep and refer  to.  This  is  a  particularly  good  idea  when instructing  new  material  or  information  that  is  not readily  available  to  the  student.  Complex  ideas  are  often received  better  when  written  material  accompanies  the lesson  delivery. ELEMENTS OF THE LESSON PLAN Elements of the lesson plan are listed on a cover page.  They  include  the  course  title,  date,  teaching  day, references, training aids, and learning objectives. Learning  Objectives Learning objectives have three   basic components  —  behavior,  condition,  and  standard. l Behavior. This is the knowledge or skill you want the student to know when the lesson is complete. 2-11

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