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CHAPTER 9 VISITS, INSPECTIONS, AND MEETINGS As a member of the Career Recruiting Force (CRF), most of your time will be dedicated to interface with your recruiters. Effective station visits, inspections, and meetings  require  planning,  preparation,  and  professional application.  Your  approach  to  these  encounters  will  set the tone for the zone. The zone supervisor (ZS) can do more  than  any  other  individual  to  affect  the  attitude  of a  zone.  In  our  business  of  sales,  attitude  is  everything. By taking time to be well prepared and purposeful, you can make sure you are spreading the right attitudes. This chapter provides guidance in both the preapproach and conduct of station visits, inspections, and meetings. STATION  VISITS Effective  station  visits  do  not  just  happen.  They require  some  advance  work  to  make  sure  they  are productive  for  the  station.  We’ll  cover  planning, preparation, and conduct of the station visit to make sure  you  do  not  become  a  “professional  visitor.” You’ve  heard  of  these  supervisors.  They  spend  all  their time in the stations, using the phone, telling sea stories, and generally wasting everyone’s time. We want to go with a plan, take care of business, and leave as planned. PLANNING AND PREPARATION Proper  planning  and  preparation  will  result  in effective station visits that save you and your people time.  You  will  use  your  ZS  itinerary/planner  to  publish your planned station visits for the month. Before issuing your  planner,  you  must  consider  the  frequency  of  visits and the purpose or agenda of each visit. Determining Frequency of Visits There is no magical number of times you should visit each station in the zone during the month. You will  have  to  make  judgement  calls  based  on  your observations   and   experience.   Some   considerations include the experience level of the recruiter in charge (RINC), training requirements, systems development, and actual productivity of the station. Be careful not to ignore   the   successful   stations   nor   overvisit   the struggling  stations. The  successful  RINCs  need attention, too. You may learn from them as well as help them  improve.  Most  successful  RINCs  take  pride  in showing  you  what  they  are  doing  right.  Struggling 9-1 RINCs  need  to  be  trained  and  then  be  given  the breathing room to put the training to work. Try not to overwhelm them. We know our visit is going to be an interruption to normal business, no matter how hard we try not to interfere. Weekly visits work well for most stations.  Geography,  distance,  and  special  circumstances may require a different schedule. You may want to plan several days in a row with newly assigned RINCs. Then give  them  some  time  to  take  the  training  on  board before  visiting  again. Developing  Your  Agenda It is important to let the RINC know your planned agenda before the station visit. The RINC can make sure personnel who need to be present plan for the visit. Let the RINC know what you intend to look at and the inclusive hours of the visit, Review previous months’ logs  and  reports,  past  station  visit  notes,  training requirements, and your ZS tickler to develop your plan. Some items will be checked at each station visit, some monthly, and others as you determine the need. Let’s take  a  look  at  some  items  you  will  need  to  review before planning an agenda. P R E V I O U S     P R O S P E C T I N G     A N D PROCESSING RESULTS.–  Review all information on  previous  prospecting  and  processing  results.  Check production reports,    Production    Analysis/Training Evaluation  (PATE)  sheets,  and  applicant  logs.  You  are looking  beyond  the  obvious  of  whether  or  not  the station is making goal. Find out where you can give the most help. Increasing the effectiveness of all stations, even those making goal, is your objective. LOCAL EFFECTIVE ACCESSION DELIVERY SYSTEM   AND   NATIONAL   LEAD   TRACKING SYSTEM.–  Review  all  LEADS  and  NALTS  reports. Compare conversion ratios with other stations in your zone and the district average. Be especially attentive of any overdue, delinquent, or forced-closed leads. Identify new leads you intend to check on during the station visit. PLAN   OF   ACTION   AND   MILESTONES.– Review  POA&Ms  and  inspection  discrepancy  corrective action  plans  that  pertain  to  the  station  and  determine follow-up   requirements.

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