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Page Title: Conducting Your Station Visits
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SHIPPERS.– Review shipping lists. Make note of any identified attrites and overall attrition problems. Compare  recruit  training  center  (RTC)  and  delayed entry program (DEP) attrition percentages to the rest of your zone and Navy recruiting district (NRD). RECRUITER QUALIFICATION STANDARDS.–  Review RQS status of all personnel and determine training needs. KIT ERROR FEEDBACK REPORTS.–  Review the past month’s kit error feedback reports. Look for any recurring errors with special emphasis on those that delayed  applicant  processing. STATION   VISIT   SHEETS.–   Most   districts provide a station visit sheet to make notes on planned and  accomplished  activity  at  each  station  visit.  A sample  station  visit  sheet  is  provided  in  figure  9-1. Notice that all items are not checked on each visit. The form merely provides a guide. Lines are left open for additional  requirements.  You  may  want  to  circle  or highlight  items  you  plan  to  check  on  the  visit  sheet before you arrive at the station. You should make two copies of the completed visit sheet-one for the RINC and  one  for  your  records.  Review  past  station  visit sheets to remind you of follow-up items. Take  Appropriate  Materials Conduct a mental checklist to make sure you are taking all needed materials. You are setting an example when  you  visit.  Make  sure  you  are  prepared. CONDUCTING  YOUR  STATION  VISITS Every  station  visit  will  be  different.  The  personnel are different and the requirements are different. The following  paragraphs,  however,  apply  to  all  visits. Be On Time Timeliness is essential for station visits. Arrive and depart on schedule. RINCs need to be able to plan their time. You need to set an example. Look  Through  Prospect’s  Eyes As you enter the station, look around as a prospect might.  What  image  of  the  Navy  is  being  projected? The  physical  appearance  of  the  office  will  probably give you a clue to other aspects of the station operation. Set Some Rapport Set  some  rapport  before  you  get  down  to  business. Take a few minutes to greet each recruiter as well as the RINC. Take an attitude check, be upbeat, and then get  on  with  your  planned  visit. Control Phone Use Your station visit is planned training time for the RINC. That time belongs to the RINC you are visiting. Do not allow others to steal it away. You should have a policy in your zone that restricts phone calls during scheduled  training  time,  unless  they  are  emergencies. Don’t Dethrone the RINC Ask  the  RINC  which  desk  you  should  use.  We work  hard  at  encouraging  station  ownership.  When supervisors come in and immediately take the RINC’s desk, they are subtly taking over that ownership. You are there to train, not to assume the watch. Follow Your Plan Don’t  be  easily  sidetracked.  Follow  your  plan.  If the  RINC  has  additional  requests  for  assistance,  weigh them  against  what  you  have  planned.  If  you  have planned to check items of concern, do that first. Then, if  time  allows,  add  the  RINC’s  requests.  Otherwise, work out a schedule to provide the RINC’s requested assistance  later. Recognize That You Are an Interruption Leave when you have-completed your objectives. Save all day visits for when you are concerned about overall  station  operation  or  have  a  specific  reason. Catch Them Doing Something Right Look for things you can commend the RINC and recruiters  on.  Sometimes  we  get  so  caught  up  in looking  for  ways  to  improve,  we  forget  to  let  them know  what  they  are  doing  right.  Being  a  “good  finder” will make them more receptive to the ideas you have for improvement. It also can help remind you to pass on the ideas that are working to other RINCs. 9-2

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