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CHECK  STEAM  DATA  AND  SMART SYSTEM.– Your next step is to go to your marketing data to find out where you are most likely to find the individuals to meet the assigned goals. All areas should still be covered, but special emphasis should be placed on the areas that are identified as likely to yield the quality contracts you are looking for. CHECK STATION PLANNER.– Check the station planner to determine prospecting requirements for the coming week. How much phone prospecting is planned? What preprospecting requirements must the recruiters meet for itineraries, school visits, and so on? Working ticklers should not be arbitrarily level loaded. The number of prospect cards should coincide with the recruiter’s plan for the day. CONSIDER INDIVIDUAL RECRUITER AND TERRITORY.– Individual allowances also should be made for each recruiter and territory. What cards are available  to  prospect  from?  How  many  can  each recruiter effectively make a disposition on within the time planned? What are the recruiter’s success ratios? Although we do not keep “numbers” on the recruiters, you should know how many interviews each recruiter needs to net a contract, how many appointments are needed to produce an interview, and how many contacts are needed to set an appointment. Have the recruiter keep track for a couple of months to establish these ratios. This will give you a good idea of how many prospect cards to load as well as training needs. CONSIDER WHAT IS ALREADY IN THE WORKING  TICKLER.–  The working tickler may already contain cards that need follow-up from previous prospecting. The recruiter may also have leads and referrals to continue prospecting. You do not want to overload the working tickler with new prospecting if the recruiter has a good follow-up base. GO TO THE MARKET SEGMENT FILES. – Now you are ready to go to the market segment files and pull cards to support your station’s goals. Do not always go to the front of each segment to start pulling your cards. You may want to make use of a “stop” card to mark where you have pulled to within each segment. Whatever method you use, just make sure you are getting a good rotation on all the cards in the market segment. Selectively pull the quantity and quality of cards that you have determined will meet station goal. There is no magic number. DETERMINING  HOW  MANY  CARDS  TO LOAD.– That’s right, there is no magic number. Each RINC will develop his or her own method to determine the number of cards each recruiter will need. Some use the five-card method, believing five good dispositions per day will suffice for every recruiter. Some use exact ratios for each recruiter, Others may use a bank system. The important thing to remember is that you should never give a recruiter more cards than can be effectively worked each day. When cards start to snowball and recruiters see their daily phone prospecting pile grow and grow, their enthusiasm proportionately wanes. An old story about duck hunters correlates well with the idea of selectively loading only as many cards as can effectively be worked. One duck hunter used a shotgun, but could not stand to keep his eyes open when he shot. He just knew if he closed his eyes with the shotgun pointing in the general direction of a flock of migrating ducks, all that buckshot was bound to hit something. Well, he did occasionally hit something, but not the ducks he was hoping for. The other hunter took careful aim at one duck in particular. He would miss sometimes but just aim again at the same duck. He usually enjoyed roast duck for dinner. Phone prospecting is very similar. Have your recruiters take careful aim and be persistent in contacting the prospects the Navy needs. CARD BANK CONCEPT.– Pulling prospect cards to load the working ticklers can be a time-consuming task. Level loading cards can cause a buildup that overwhelms the recruiter. One method of preventing this is the card bank system. CAUTION: Check with your chain of command before using the card bank system. This system allows the RINC to pull cards at the end of a week for the entire following weeks prospecting. The first day of the working tickler is loaded with sufficient cards to complete that day’s planned prospecting. The rest of the cards are filed at the end of the week to provide a “bank.” At the production review, all cards that have been dispo’d (appointment set, disqualified, or otherwise determined to require no further action) are replaced from the bank. This ensures cards do not build up to an unmanageable level in the recruiter’s working tickler. RINCs using this method must exercise great care to make sure their banks do not contain any more than 1 working weeks worth of prospecting. 5-25

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