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Work Force File The  work  force  file  contains  the  cards  for individuals who are eligible to ship directly to recruit training command. They may be high school graduates or nongraduates. Cards are retained in the work force file for 4 years from graduation. Again, this is one of your  primary  sources  of  qualified  prospects.  Cards should  be  arranged  alphabetically  and  broken  down  by male and female. In addition, cards may be arranged by ZIP  Code,  school,  or  graduation  year. College File The college file is arranged alphabetically by first and second year of college and may be further arranged by ZIP Code or school. This file includes 2- and 4-year college students. Once they have entered their third year of college, they are turned over to officer programs for prospecting.  The  RINC  should  pull  cards  from  this segment during school breaks and holiday periods to maintain  contact  and  update  status. Inactive File The  inactive  file  is  arranged  alphabetically  and  by year. They may also be arranged by ZIP Code. This file contains  the  cards  of  disqualified  and  rejected  applicants (male  and  female)  and  prior  service  individuals.  This  file is  purged  monthly  following  retention  requirements listed in the following paragraphs. DISQUALIFIED, REJECTED   AND   NO FURTHER ACTION CARDS.– During the DPR the RINC  determines  the  specific  reason  for  disqualification, rejection, or no further action and notes the reason on the back of the card. A diagonal red line is drawn across the front of the card to signify a disqualified, rejected, or no further action applicant. Cards are retained in the inactive file for a period of 2 years from the date of disqualification,   rejection,   or   no   further   action determination. At the end of the 2 year period the RINC should  determine  if  the  disqualification  is  still  a  factor and either load it into the working tickler or discard it, as appropriate. PRIOR SERVICE CARDS.– The inactive file also contains  prior  service  cards.  Prospect  cards  on  DEP personnel  are  placed  in  this  file  the  day  the  individual graduates from recruit training command (RTC). It may be necessary to retrieve the card for documentation of conversations  with  parents,  referral  activity,  hometown area  recruiting  program  (HARP)  participation,  and  the like. The prior service card is maintained in the inactive file for a period of 2 years from the RTC graduation date. When prior service cards are received at the NRS from  outside  lead  sources,  such  as  Personnel  Accounting Machine   Installation-Continental   United   States (PAMI-CONUS) and national advertising lead tracking system (NALTS), the RINC determines if the applicant appears to be eligible and within current goal restraints. If eligible, the card is placed in the working tickler for prospecting.  If  the  applicant  appears  to  be  ineligible  or cannot be located, the card should be retained in the inactive file for a period of 2 years from date of receipt. WORKING  TICKLER The working tickler is arranged for the 12 months of the year with the first month further divided by 31 days. This  tickler  contains  prospect  cards  to  be  “worked,” itinerary  data  cards,  QNE  cards,  DEP  cards,  recurring reports ticklers, lead tracking, and no-phone cards to be identified. The working tickler is the tool used by the RINC to ensure the recruiters have the resources to complete their planned prospecting and meet the station’s goals. Loading the Working Tickler for Prospecting On the last working day of each week, the RINC will  load  the  working  ticklers  for  each  recruiter  for  the following  weeks  prospecting.  At  no  time  should  the RINC load the working tickler for more than 1 working week. The RINC monitors the working ticklers daily to make sure there are enough cards to achieve goal. Cards that require future follow-up should be placed in the applicable  day  or  out-month  section  of  the  working tickler.  The  cards  will  normally  remain  in  the  working tickler  until  a  contract  is  signed,  the  applicant  is disqualified or rejected, or the RINC determines during the DPR that no further action is currently required. The card is then properly documented and refiled in the appropriate  market  segment  file. CONSIDER GOALS.– The  first  consideration  when loading the working tickler should be the station goals. What  individuals  are  we  looking  for?  Work  force, will-grads, minorities, upper mental group percentages, special program, and prior service goals should all be considered.   Cards   must   be   loaded   in   sufficient proportion to achieve assigned goals. Keep in mind that markets  do  not  produce  the  same  prospecting  ratios.  For example,  more  work  force  cards  than  will-grad  cards  are usually required to net the same number of interviews. 5-24

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