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Conditions of Navy Life One  of  the  two  videos  designed  to  indoctrinate viewers  on  the  conditions  of  Navy  life  is  required viewing for all applicants,  Civilian to Sailor in Eight Weeks is shown to all male applicants and describes the 8 weeks of recruit training, Right, Right, Right On is the female version of recruit training indoctrination. Married applicants and their spouses also must read and sign the Married Applicants and Spouses Fact Sheet, which highlights information on ship deployment and underway  schedules,  housing,  child  care  facilities,  and moving  household  goods,  Applicants  should  discuss areas of concern with their recruiter. The Navy’s Drug Policy All applicants, including prior service applicants, must  view  the  video  Drug Abuse - Not in My Navy. This video, about 6 minutes in length, provides a brief look at the Navy’s policy on drug use and the reasons drug use is not tolerated in the Navy. Prescribed  Medications Applicants should continue to use any medicines prescribed by a physician during MEPS processing and upon reporting to the RTC. Recruiters should not advise applicants  to  discontinue  prescribed  medicines. Enlisted Statement of Understanding The  recruiter  must  brief  each  applicant  on  the contents  of  the  Enlistment  Statement  of  Understanding, NAVCRUIT  Form  1133/53,  and  have  the  applicant initial the appropriate block. The original copy is placed in the enlisted service record, with a copy provided to the applicant and the residual file. Montgomery G.I. Bill All  applicants  at  DEP-in  are  given  the  Navy Recruiting Commands welcome aboard letter on the Montgomery  G.I.  Bill  signed  by  the  NRD  CO.  The welcome aboard letter also includes the G.I. Bill RAD item. Recruit Training Command Policies All applicants should be briefed that the smoking lamp is out at the RTC. No tobacco products of any kind will be allowed at the RTC. Recruits  should  be  counseled  that  as  soon  as uniforms are issued, all civilian clothing and personal effects will be mailed to their home of record at their own  expense  or  discarded  at  their  discretion. The  Navy   Recruiting   Manual   -   Enlisted, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1130.8, provides specific guidance on what items to bring and what not to bring to  the  RTC  for  both  male  and  female  recruits, Health Care Benefits The Health Care Benefits Summary Fact Sheet must be used to brief all applicants on their eligibility for various  medical  and  dental  benefits.  A  copy  of  the  fact sheet  is  found  in  the  Navy   Recruiting   Manual   - Enlisted, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST  1130.8.  It  covers medical and dental benefits for active duty members and their dependents at military and civilian health care facilities. Applicants should be advised that detailed health  care  questions  should  be  directed  to  the appropriate Civilian Health and Medical Programs of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) advisors or health care  personnel. TREATMENT OF REJECTED APPLICANTS Rejected applicants must be made to feel that the Navy also regrets that they cannot be accepted and that their  interest  in  the  Navy  is  sincerely  appreciated. Whenever  a  recruiter  feels  that  the  rejection  of  an applicant  may  be  cause  for  disrupting  good  local community  relations,  all  pertinent  information  bearing on the situation should be forwarded to the NRD for consideration  and  further  disposition.  Those  potential rejection cases that are likely to stimulate interest on the part of national or state officials should be forwarded to COMNAVCRUITCOM  for  final  action.  All  rejected applicants  should  be  urged  to  visit  the  local  state employment service office to get assistance in pursuing their civilian careers. Medical  Disqualification In   cases   of   applicants   who   are   rejected   for enlistment   because   of   medically   disqualifying conditions,   the   MEPS   examining   physician   is responsible   for   informing   the   applicant   of   the disqualifying condition either in person or in writing. Medical   information   concerning   a   disqualifying diagnosis should be conveyed to the applicant only by a MEPS physician. 6-44

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