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Programs Officer (EPO)/Chief Recruiter (CR) and the NRS RINC. Most districts also will route copies to the ZS.  Training  directed  to  the  discrepancies  noted  on these  forms  must  be  conducted  at  the  station  level. Trends or frequent errors should be included in zone training  evolutions.  If  you  find  your  zone  or  station experiencing problems in kit quality, consider inviting Navy processing personnel out for training. Not only can they provide expert processing information, but the rapport  built  during  these  training  evolutions  can  help build  the  team  concept  and  get  away  from  the “we/they”   syndrome   that   can   only   inhibit   smooth operation. PHYSICAL  EXAMINATIONS Recruiters should make sure all applicants view the video  Self-Identification of   Preexisting   Medical Conditions  before  they  report  to  MEPS.  Videos  may  be requested  from  COMNAVCRUITCOM,  Code  514. Preliminary  physical  screening  should  be  accomplished by the recruiter for all applicants for enlistment. This is done  by  completing  the  Applicant  Pm-Screening  Form, DD  Form  2246,  which  is  required  in  the  preenlistment kit. In addition, recruiters are encouraged to review the SF 88 and SF 93 with each applicant before he or she is sent to MEPS for a physical examination. Identifying preexisting  medical  conditions  can  save  recruiters  time and   prevent   unnecessary   applicant   delay. Documentation  of  known  conditions  can  be  obtained  to assist   the   MEPS   medical   staff   in   making   a determination. Remember, red carpet service is a key to better  MEPS  conversion  ratios.  Thorough  blueprinting can smooth the way for physical processing. CLASSIFICATION Every  applicant  is  interviewed  by  an  enlisted classifier  or  canvasser  recruiter  classifier  to  determine occupational  interest,  motivation,  and  qualifications  for placement into an appropriate enlistment program. Personalized Recruiting for Immediate and Delayed Enlistment After the applicant has been certified as qualified for  the  program  desired,  the  enlisted  classifier  uses  the Personalized  Recruiting  for  Immediate  and  Delayed Enlistment  (PRIDE)  terminal  to  obtain  the  desired program and the shipping window or date. More than one  reservation  per  applicant  at  one  time  is  not authorized. PRIDE Reservation Categories The  following  categories  of  PRIDE  reservations  are used as appropriate. DELAYED   ENTRY   PROGRAM.–   D E P reservations  are  made  for  all  personnel  for  whom  a United States Naval Reserve (USNR) DEP contract is executed, regardless of when they are actually shipped. DIRECT SHIP.– Direct Ship (DIR)  reservations are made for personnel who will begin active duty within 24  hours  and  for  whom  no  USNR  (DEP)  contract  is executed. DIRECT DEPOSIT DEP.– A direct deposit DEP (DDD) is a reservation with a signed contract that does not  count  as  a  new  contract  until  the  following  month, when they are converted to a DIR or DEP. DELAYED   ENTRY.–   Delayed   entry   (DEL) reservations may be made when no contract is executed but the applicant is fully qualified for enlistment in a specific program. An example of a case where a DEL reservation might be made would be when an applicant wishes to discuss the options with his or her parents. DEL reservations never can be held for more than 10 working  days. DELAYED  ENLLISTMENT  RESERVE.–  The Delayed   Enlistment   Reserve   (DER)   program   was developed in June 1989 to allow school reservations for Reserve/Guard  personnel  without  requiring  immediate enlistment into the DEP. Reservations for all types of Reserve  component  members  must  be  made  via  the DER  program  whether  or  not  an  approved  Request  for Discharge or Clearance from Reserve Component, DD Form  368,  is  obtained.  An  approved  DD  Form  368 must be obtained before shipping. DER reservations are authorized  for  a  period  not  to  exceed  365  days  and  are not  counted  as  new  contracts.  On  the  actual  ship  date, DERs  are  converted  to  DIR  reservations. APPLICANT  BRIEFINGS Recruiters are responsible for briefing applicants about the processing procedures they will go through at MEPS.  In  addition,  they  should  brief  all  applicants  on conditions  of  Navy  life,  the  Navy’s  drug  policy, prescribed   medications   at   the   RTC,   the   Enlisted Statement of Understanding, the Montgomery G.I. Bill, RTC smoking restrictions, and the Navy’s health care benefits. 6-43

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