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CRF Converts to Navy Counselor
In fiscal year 1980, all CRF members converted to
the Navy Counselor (NC) rating. CHNAVPERS split
advancement quotas for fleet and recruiting NCs.
CRF Academy
The CRF Academy began classes in 1989 at the
Navy Recruiting Orientation Unit (NORU), then in
Orlando, Florida. The first director of the CRF
Academy, NCCM C.L. Roy Harscher, designed the
curriculum to train the trainers and reinforce the
consistency and leadership skills of our cadre. The
monumental task of graduating all previous CRF
members was completed in 1992 after NORU moved to
the Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. All new CRF
selectees must successfully complete the 6-week CRF
Academy before rating conversion.
CRF Examination
In January 1993, CRF chief candidates competed in
the first advancement examination specifically written
for the CRF. This step further refines our force and
guarantees that the best possible candidates advance in
CRF selections consist of proven volunteer recruiters
who will fill key middle management billets. CRF
selectees must possess a thorough knowledge of
recruiting techniques and management systems as well
as a proven record of successfully imparting that
knowledge to others.
CRF Selection Board
The CRF selection board meets three times each
year in March, July, and November. Board members
carefully screen each application looking for the right
combination of leadership skills and recruiting abilities.
Application Procedures
A NAVADMIN message issued 3 months before
each board provides current eligibility criteria and
application procedures. The Enlisted Transfer Manual,
NAVPERS 15909D, gives general requirements and
initial assignment policy.
Whether thinking about the CRF for yourself or
recommending others, you need to give careful
consideration to the arduous and often very independent
nature of recruiting duty. Once selected, members are
expected to remain in the CRF for the remainder of their
careers. Consider the number of years you or your
subordinate expects to remain on active duty. Then,
decide if the stressful pace of recruiting can be endured
for that length of time. Other considerations include loss
of sea time/pay, few opportunities to work on warfare
qualifications, and advancement opportunities compared
to the current rating. This is not meant to deter any
qualified individual from application; however, it is not
a commitment anyone should make lightly.
COMNAVCRUITCOM never filled the original 750
CRF billets due to stringent selection criteria. By 1993,
CHNAVPERS had reduced the CRF to 576 billets.
As a CRF member, you may feel tasked to fill the
shoes of a doctor, lawyer, counselor, marketing analyst,
arbiter, or a myriad of other highly technical
occupations. This cacophony of career callings can be
tuned to a triad of responsibility:
. Leader. As a leader, you will provide motivation
and inspiration by providing your troops with a
role model for personal and professional
l Trainer. As a trainer, you will train by example
as well as formal instruction.
l Manager. As a manager, you will use various
marketing and analysis systems to determine
training needs and leadership techniques.
Look at figure 1-1. A CRF member must be a
leader, trainer, and manager. The inverted triangle
emphasizes the concept that leading and training your
people can minimize the need for managing your
Lets take a look at the actual assignments available
within the CRF community and some of the
requirements of the positions.