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enlisting  now.  That  is  the  purpose  of  the  weighing close,  to  help  the  procrastinator  reach  a  decision. l  When  the  sale  is  finished,  ask  the  trial  close, “Now, in your opinion, which outweighs the other, the ideas opposed or the reasons for enlisting now?” l  If  the  prospect  answers,  reasons  for,  close.  If the   prospect   answers   ideas   opposed,   respect   that decision.  Do  not  return  to  selling  that  day.  Set  a follow-up  appointment  that  allows  adequate  time  for  the prospect to consider the information given. Give the prospect the weighing close to take home and ask for referrals. EVALUATING RECRUITERS’ SALES PRESENTATIONS There are two methods of evaluating a recruiter’s sales  presentation.  First,  you  can  role  play.  That,  of course,  is  not  always  realistic.  Recruiters  will  probably perform differently with a real prospect. There is no substitute for observing an actual interview when you wish  to  evaluate  a  recruiter’s  sales  presentation  for content  and  technique.    Use  a  contracts  evaluation worksheet,  shown  in  figure  6-11,  for  the  interview critique. After  the  recruiter  has  finished  with  the prospect, give the recruiter an in-depth critique for each step  of  the  interview  process. Evaluating the Conversation Step This is the most important step of the interview. Did the recruiter set rapport with the prospect? How was the eye contact, tone of voice, and smile? Did the recruiter  avoid  challenging  or  interrupting  the  prospect? Was  blueprinting  thorough?  Did  the  recruiter  make  sure not  to  lead  the  prospect  into  desired  answers?  Was  the sales  objective  (want,  need,  and  DBM)  properly established  and  verified? Evaluating the Curiosity Step This is a one-line step. The key to its success is enthusiasm. Did   the   recruiter   seem   genuinely enthusiastic about having a way to help the prospect with  Navy  opportunities? Evaluating the Conviction Step Besides the basic bridge work, check to see if the recruiter gave a short fact followed by an appropriate benefits  package.  Was  there  enough  “meat”  in  the package?  In  other  words,  did  the  recruiter  give  the prospect  enough  information  to  justify  buying  the proposal?  What  kind  of  evidence  was  used?  Was  it effective? If faced with an objection, was the recruiter relaxed and professional? Was the objection verified, smoked out, or buried? Did the recruiter empathize with the  prospect  but  avoid  sympathizing?  Did  the  recruiter change  the  objection  into  a  question  so  it  could  be answered? Did the recruiter effectively IRON out the objection? Evaluating the Desire Step Did   the   recruiter   remind   the   prospect   of   the problem   and   get   confirmation?   Was   the   prospect projected  to  a  specific  point  in  time  and  location?  Most importantly, was a word picture painted so the prospect could see himself or herself enjoying the DBM? Did the recruiter   use   concrete   language   to   appeal   to   the prospect’s  senses  and  emotions? Evaluating the Close The  close  is  the  most  misunderstood  step  of  the sale. It is often blamed for a recruiter’s lack of sales success, but is rarely the real problem. Few recruiters are  afraid  to  close  if  it  is  time  to  close.  What  we’re saying is that if a recruiter knows that a prospect has bought, that their sales presentation had done its job, closing  is  a  natural  and  simple  step  to  take.  The problem  comes  in  when  the  recruiter  understands  that the prospect has not bought the product yet. Perhaps the real problem was as far back as conversation. Maybe we built the entire presentation on the wrong want, need,  and  DBM.  Whatever  the  reason,  the  recruiter  is not comfortable with closing because it is apparent that the sales presentation has not succeeded, To evaluate the close itself, determine if the recruiter closed on a minor  decision  without  resorting  to  step-selling?  Did  the prospect  know  that  he  or  she  had  bought?  Was  the recruiter  calm  and  assumptive  to  help  the  prospect through  the  mental  turmoil  of  making  a  decision? Beyond considering these points, if you still feel you have  a  recruiter  who  has  a  problem  with  the  close, explain to him or her that no answer is the same as a “no” answer. The result is still the same. So, what is there  to  be  afraid  of?  We  don’t  have  an  applicant  now; the worst that could happen after a close is that we still won’t have an applicant. The alternative is that we  will have an applicant for the Navy, and that’s what it’s all about. 6-34

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