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l Your next step depends again on the prospect’s response.  If  the  response  is  a  yes,  close.  If  the  prospect is  still  lukewarm,  provide  more  conviction  or  evidence. If he or she seems to be putting off making a decision, use a weighing close. Let’s look at a desire step that would fit the want of a college degree, the need of money, and the DBM of making  the  prospect’s  parents  proud  by  being  the  first in the family to complete college. “Daniel, you want a college degree that will make your  parents  proud.  Is  that  correct?  Well,  our  Navy educational programs will do that for you. You enter the Navy and here’s what happens. It’s 3 years from now, and you’re in Norfolk, Virginia. It’s a beautiful day. It’s your day – the day that your dream, as well as the dream of your parents, will be realized. You walk across the campus at Old Dominion University and feel the  sun  warming  the  morning  air.  You  hear  birds singing in the magnolia trees that are in full bloom and filling the ocean breezes with their sweet scent. As you approach the stadium you can hear the band playing a well-known march as people fill the stands, They are here to watch you receive that long awaited diploma. It hasn’t  been  easy.  You  reflect  on  the  courses  you completed with your tuition assistance and are thankful for  all  the  credits  awarded  based  on  your  Navy  schools and experience. You say a silent thanks to your parents who  encouraged  you  so  much  toward  your  goal  and wish they could be here on this important day, They sounded so excited about your being the first in the family to earn a degree when you last talked with them. Soon,  you  hear  your  name  called  and  proudly  step forward to receive your diploma. You firmly shake the dean’s  hand  and  look  out  into  the  crowd.  You  can barely  believe  your  eyes.  Right  there  in  the  second  row is your Mom and Dad. They have made a surprise trip to join in the celebration of your achievement. Their smiles have never been broader and Mom even has a tiny  tear  slipping  down  one  cheek.  You  can  feel  the pride and love radiating from these two most important people.  Is  that  what  you  really  want?” WEIGHING  CLOSE We have reached the end of our selling chain. We have performed our sales presentation to the best of our ability  and  possibly  even  created  desire.  As  a  final attempt  to  help  our  prospect  we  have  the  weighing close.  Although  this  technique  is  called  a  weighing close, it does not fit the definition of a close and is not included   in   the   five   types   of   closes   we   use   in consultative sales. The weighing close ends with a trial close,  asking  for  an  opinion,  rather  than  a  minor decision. When to Use the Weighing Close The weighing close is normally used at the end of the  sales  presentation  when  procrastination  becomes  the dominant   block   in   our   prospect’s   decision-making ability. Listen for trigger words like “Let me think it over” or “See me next trip.” How to Use the Weighing Close Start  with  a  lead-in  bridge,   “Before  making  a decision, one must weigh the ideas opposed against the reasons for enlisting now.” Then, you should draw the diagram as shown in figure 6-10. Then ask the prospect, “What are your ideas opposed?” Do not try to overcome any  new  objections  or  remind  the  prospect  that  you have already shown an idea to be of no concern. We also  want  to  avoid  giving  the  prospect  any  help  in thinking of ideas opposed. (If he or she can’t think of any ideas opposed, then you should close.) When the prospect is done, ask “Okay, now what are your reasons for  enlisting  now?”   Every  response  on  this  side  is telling you that this prospect wants to be put in the Navy. If the prospect is unable to come up with enough reasons  for,  remind  him  or  her  of  the  previously identified want, need, and DBM. You may even ask if some  of  your  benefits  package  qualifies  as  reasons  for. Just make sure that your prospect includes more reasons for than ideas opposed. The DBM should be the last item on the reasons for enlisting now side. If he or she gives you the DBM before the list is complete, say that you want to set that aside for a moment. Then, when the reasons for side outweighs the ideas opposed side, say  something  like,  “Okay,  Jamie,  because  (DBM) is so important to you, I’d like you to write that down.” For the weighing close to be effective, it must be the prospect’s list. Try not to give him or her reasons for enlisting now. Instead, gently remind your prospect of what he or she said was important, if necessary. Every reason for your prospect gives you is telling you and the prospect that yes, he or she does have reasons for enlisting  now.  That  is  the  purpose  of  the  weighing Figure 6-10.-The weighing close. 6-33

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