| |
l Action items. These are the steps planned to
reach the objective. An example of an action item might
be to develop specific actions and tracking system to
provide for obtaining 20 percent of new contracts from
DEP referrals.
l Action officers. This column lists the persons
accountable for making sure the action step is
accomplished on time.
l Due date. This column is used to establish
start/stop/due dates
when the action is to be
accomplished. For most actions there will be only a
single date; if it is ongoing, monthly, or quarterly, these
requirements should be listed.
l Monthly columns. These columns are used to
graphically display when the action step is to be
accomplished. They can also be used as a progress chart.
As actions are completed, the chart can be annotated as
constitutes an out-of-limits condition, with respect to
satisfactory progress,
along with resulting action
required. This may be simply a maximum time-late for
the action step with the accountable officer required to
report reasons and corrective action to the CO. Figure
5-12 shows a POA&M with all the required elements.
Use of the POA&Ms. All key participants should
be involved in the plans development process. The EPO
together with the CR takes the lead in formulating
enlisted inputs to the command operations plan. Through
the CR, the EPO maintains communication with field
elements to stimulate and ensure the two-way flow of
accurate market information. All levels of the production
chain should fully understand the POA&Ms as well as
their responsibilities to contribute to them. The EPO
updates the executive officer (XO) and QMB monthly as
to the status of completed milestones. ZSs and RINCs
should give a monthly status on any POA&Ms under
their cognizance to be included in the EPOs update.
Remember, this is the working portion of the operations
plan. Implementation and follow-up of the POA&Ms
l Out-of-limits condition. At the bottom of each
should ensure objectives are met.
POA&M, there should be an explanation as to what
Figure 5-12. Plan of action and milestones.