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Officer Programs Plan The officer programs plan covers the same elements as the enlisted plan. The officer programs officer (OPO) takes  the  lead  in  formulating  officer  programs  input  to the  plan.  The  OPO  recommends  specific  courses  of action   in   regard   to   prospecting,   lead   generation, advertising, market analysis, and processing to achieve the  officer  program  objectives. Executive Summary This section is written last. It provides a one- or two-page overview summarizing the enlisted and officer sections of the plan that has already been written. The XO normally writes the executive summary with the OPO and EPO as it summarizes both sections of the plan. This narrative serves as an introduction to the situation  analysis.    The   work   already   done   in   the situation  analysis  and  completed  tables  are  supporting arguments  for  statements  made  in  the  summary. ZONE SITUATION ANALYSIS We have discussed the marketing operations plan that is developed at the district headquarters. Now let’s take a look at the zone situation analysis that provides a major part of the district enlisted programs plan input. Keep  in  mind  that  although  you  are  providing  the information  to  the  district  for  inclusion  in  the  operations plan, the information and evaluation should be used within your zone for decisions concerning prospecting and recommendations for manning and goaling. Your territory  analysis  evaluated  your  market  to  show  what you have to recruit from. Your station situation analysis will  go  a  step  further  and  evaluate  resources,  past productivity, and activity along with the marketing data. This will give you a more complete picture of where you are now and what directions you should take. Look at what you have and what has been done with it to determine what you should do next. Resource  Projections  and  Implications Your  resource  projections  include  production recruiters  and  operating  assets.  As  you  address  the production recruiter portion of your analysis, consider manning  levels,  comparing  individual  station  RAFs  to actual onboard counts. Take a look at your personnel turnover rate, both projected rotation dates and your average annual loss due to fault/no-fault transfers. Next consider the experience levels of personnel assigned. Check  recruiter  qualification  standard  (RQS)  levels required and attained. You should also consider CRF personnel assigned or required. Operating assets should include your zone’s funding requirements for temporary additional duty (TAD), applicant travel, equipment and furnishings,  and  any  DEP/COI  functions  planned.  You can take this information from your budget input sheets. Marketing Assumptions and Implications Use  the  information  that  you  have  gathered  for territory analysis to address economic and demographic assumptions,  political  and  social  assumptions,  and  goals and policy. E C O N O M I C    A N D    D E M O G R A P H I C ASSUMPTIONS.–  As  you  gather  information  on  your territory,  look  at  per  capita  income  figures, unemployment rates, population figures, and the type of area you cover, such as rural or metro. You are looking for  differences  as  well  as  trends  that  may  affect recruiting.  If  per  capita  income  is  extremely  high,  a steady  income  may  not  be  your  biggest  selling  point.  If unemployment  is  steadily  decreasing,  you  may  find stiffer competition for the recruitable market. Attitudes tend to differ in rural and metropolitan populations. Once  you  have  identified  some  basic  assumptions,  look for  ways  to  either  overcome  the  detriment  or  capitalize on the benefit. P  O  L  I  T  I  C  A  L      A  N  D      S  O  C  I  A  L ASSUMPTIONS. –  Political  and  social  assumptions  are made  by  gauging  the  local  support  for  the  military, rapport with the educational community, support for high school ASVAB testing, propensity to enlist, and competition  from  local  industry  and  other  services. Again, you are gathering data and making an educated assumption of its impact on recruiting so that you can develop  a  plan. GOALS   AND   POLICY.–   The  NRD  plan  will include  an  annual  goal  planning  matrix.  At  your  level, you  should  make  general  statements  concerning anticipated  policy  considerations.  Include  information  on quantity  as  well  as  quality.  An  example  would  be  that NRS A, a station with historically low ASVAB scores, will be goaled with a lower percentage of upper mental group  enlistments,  which  will  be  offset  by  NRS  B, which has steadily yielded 75 percent upper mental group enlistments. These considerations should all be based  on  available  marketing  data. 5-30

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