| |
Sales, 6-17
outline, 6-27
psychology, 6-17
steps, 6-23
School folders, 5-20
School visits, 5-20, 6-8, 8-10
Sea Power presentations, 7-10
Secondary target market, 5-1
Security, 4-14
Security containers, 4-19
Selling attitudes, 6-21
Selling skills, 6-21
Ship visits and cruises, 7-9
Situation analysis, 5-28
SMART board, 5-13, 5-14
Social security number, 6-14
SOLD report, 8-12
Space standards, 4-5
Speaking engagements, 7-10
Special Duty Assignment Pay, 3-8
SSIC, 4-20
Standard Navy letter, 4-23
Static displays, 7-12
Station administration, 4-20
Station and zone competition, 5-14
Station files, 4-20
updating, 4-23
Station level market share report, 5-4
Station market analysis, 5-13
Station Market Analysis and Review Techniques
(SMART), 5-13
Station operations, 4-11
hours, 4-11
layout, 4-12
Station ownership, 8-21
Station planner, 8-2
Station visits, 9-1
agenda for, 9-1
frequency, 9-1
planning and preparation, 9-1
recordkeeping, 9-4
sheet, 9-3
STEAM, 5-2
Stress management, 3-12
basic premises, 3-13
psychological aspects, 3-16
stress response, 3-14
techniques, 3-17
Subtle signals, 6-29
Supplemental testing, 6-41
Target market centers, 5-17
Team building, 1-6
Telephone prospecting, 6-1
Television, 7-5
Terminal objective, 2-10
Termination of CRF, 3-28
Territorial map, 5-13
Territory analysis, 5-2
Territory distribution, 5-8