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Assistant  for  Recruiting  and  Retention  Programs at  the  Bureau  of  Naval  Personnel  (PERS  2331) for an E-8 with ZS experience CRF  detailer,  an  E-9  billet Recruit  quality  assurance  team  (RQAT)  billets for E-6 through E-9 Area trainer billets for E-7 and E-8 members with  ZS  experience Officer  program  recruiters  for  E-7  through  E-9 members NOTE:  Descriptions  for  NRD,  NRA  and  the  CNRC billets are listed at the end of this chapter. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS REQUIRED BY CRF PERSONNEL CRF  members  face  unique  challenges.  Their personnel  are  often  scattered  over  a  large  geographical area.  Their  team  members  must  perform  outside  their normal job descriptions to fulfill goals far removed from their usual occupations. To meet these challenges, CRF members must have a thorough knowledge of recruiting techniques  and  administration  as  well  as  leadership  and management  skills. LEADERSHIP Leadership  is  the  art  of  influencing  people  to progress toward the accomplishment of a goal. As an art, it cannot be completely taught from a textbook. Leadership  consists  of  intellect,  understanding,  and moral  character,  qualities  that  will  help  you  to  inspire and motivate your troops to do their very best. Leader - A Reputation Recruiter-in-charge, zone supervisor, chief recruiter– these  are  only  job  titles.  The  Navy  can  put  you  in charge but it cannot make you a leader. That is up to you.  “Your  job  title  is  just  a  label.  ‘Leader’  is  a reputation... and you have to earn it. ” This quote was taken from Business as Unusual - The Handbook for Managing  and  Supervising  Organizational  Change  by Price Pritchett and Ron Pound. Level With Your Recruiters Open  and  honest  dealing  with  all  your  people protects your integrity. It’s up to you to build trust. Your recruiters have a right to know what’s going on and that they can handle it. It’s important to remember that these are  senior  petty  officers  who  have  handled  large responsibilities  before  their  recruiting  assignment.  To expect them to operate in the dark without being shown the big picture is demoralizing. Senior  Subordinates You may find yourself in the position of having a subordinate who is senior to you by paygrade or time in service. This situation may feel awkward at first but can be rewarding when handled correctly. Keep in mind that although  new  to  the  recruiting  environment,  senior individuals  can  share  a  wealth  of  leadership  and management expertise. So, give them credit where credit is due. Ask for their help and opinions. Try to expedite their  training  so  they  can  gain  confidence  in  their recruiting skills and move on to greater responsibility. Upper Management Liaison With  upper  management  geographically  removed, you may need to assume greater responsibility than those with a centrally located command. Remember, problems  and  solutions  are  best  handled  at  the  lowest level  possible.  Without  overstepping  the  limits  of  your authority,  make  decisions  based  on  your  firsthand knowledge of the situation. Many problems must be relayed   up   the   chain   of   command.   Prepare   your recommended solutions before you make the call. If you need advice before recommending a solution, gather all the background information beforehand. Liaison  works  both  ways.  You  will  frequently  need to  pass  on  new  policies  and  directives  to  your subordinates.  If  the  information  is  in  the  form  of  a written  directive,  by  all  means  give  the  source. However, if you are passing on an order, the source should  become  you.  “The CR says we have to,” and “the EPO  wants  to  see.  .  .”   are leadership copouts. Take ownership  and  responsibility. Don’t Give Up Your Power A  good  chief  recruiter  will  create  a  certain  amount of  command-instilled  aura  to  enhance  the  CRF community’s  image  of  elite  professionalism.  It  is  up  to you to live up to that image. Your team needs to know 1-4

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