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readily  identifies  the  time  from  interview  to  new contract. The 72-hour rule says we should have our applicant  under  contract  within  72  hours  of  the interview. Understandably, this rule is not appropriate to all situations or areas of the country. Many times documents  must  be  obtained  or  logistics  preclude meeting the 72-hour timetable. It’s more a sense of urgency than an ironclad rule. PRODUCTION  ANALYSIS/TRAINING EVALUATION  SHEET The   Production   Analysis/Training   Evaluation (PATE)   Sheet, NAVCRUIT   1550/6,   provides information necessary to conduct a production analysis and provide a baseline of information for the RINC and  ZS  to  establish  a  prospecting  plan.  The information entered on the sheet is gathered from the station and zone applicant logs. The PATE sheet is the  only  activity  analysis  form  authorized  by  the Commander,   Navy   Recruiting   Command (COMNAVCRUITCOM).  Figure  8-3  is  a  sample PATE  sheet  for  a  recruiter. PATE  Sheet  Maintenance Each recruiter, RINC, and ZS maintains a current month PATE sheet. Recruiters and RINCs attach their PATE  sheets  to  their  respective  applicant  logs  for retention. ZSs submit their zone PATE sheet to the CR at the end of each month, keeping a copy for their files. The PATE sheet has five sections: l  Section  I   -  Prospecting  Generated.  This section  is  a  guide  for  recruiter  generated  activity  and provides  the  data  for  building  the  weekly  prospecting plan.  Three  months  of  phone,  PDC,  and  DEP  referral activity along with actual hours spent in each mode are  entered  and  averages  computed. l  Section  II  -  Other  Generated  Activity.  This section  allows  the  recruiter,  RINC,  and  ZS  to determine  the  effort  and  contribution  to  new  contract goal from other sources such as LEADs, NALTs, and PRO-NAVY referrals. l  Section  III  -  Average  Time  of  Interview  to New Contract. This section provides a measurement of recruiter sense of urgency and effectiveness. This information   is important when implementing prospecting  plans. l   Section   IV   -    Processing    Analysis.    This information provides a baseline of information that allows the recruiter, RINC, and ZS to determine time management, sales   effectiveness,   and   required processing  activity  necessary  to  attain  goal. l  Section  V  -  Training  Required.  This  section is  used  to  document  identified  weaknesses.  Numbers alone  do  not  represent  an  analysis.  You  need  to provide  a  narrative  of  what  was  learned  from  the documentation   of   the   previous   sections. After recording the information in this section, schedule, conduct,  and  document  the  training. Using PATE Sheet Data The  PATE  sheet  is  used  for  planning,  evaluation, and analysis. The sheet provides each recruiter with data needed to develop prospecting and processing plans. It  helps  the  supervisor  track  activity  to determine if current prospecting and processing levels will  be  sufficient  to  meet  goals.  It  also  provides information necessary to make adjustment decisions during the month. DEVELOPING  PROSPECT  PLANS  FROM PATE DATA.–  Recruiters  develop  their  prospecting plan  based  on  the  information  from  their  PATE  sheets. They  should  plan  contracts  from  proven  modes  of prospecting,  while  still  working  on  the  modes  that have not been as successful. Their plans should be based  on  what  they  have  done  in  the  past,  even though  training  is  being  conducted  to  improve  the future. Common sense must be used when the hours required for planned contracts become unmanageable. The  RINC  should  work  with  the  recruiter  to  come  up with a workable plan while training is taking place. Make sure recruiters understand that the planned hours of prospecting are based on their history. Their goal should  be  to  meet  the  required  appointments, interviews, and ultimately contracts with less hours of prospecting than planned. This shows improvement and greater efficiency. Recruiters also need to be aware of their average time from interview to new contract   so   they   know   when   activity   should   be completed to result in the contracts needed for station goal. I D E N T I F Y I N G    S T R E N G T H S    A ND WEAKNESSES FROM PATE DATA.–  Supervisors must analyze their PATE sheets to identify strengths and  weaknesses. This  information  is  used  to determine  and  plan  training  needs.  ZSs  can  compare 8-7

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