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l    Total number of production recruiters on board the NRD and their station assignment l     Total MHSSs identified by ZIP Code location of the  school l    Male  2-year  posthigh  school  by  ZIP  Code location of the school l     All other males 17 to 21 years old by ZIP Code (MHSSs must be subtracted from this total in order  not  to  double-count) .    Males 22 to 29 years old by ZIP Code l     NAVET military available by ZIP Code l     Black males 17 to 21 years old by ZIP Code l    4-year college population by ZIP Code location of  campus l    Total  number  of  students  ASVAB  tested (student  testing  program)  by  ZIP  Code l   Total number of students that tested in upper mental  group  categories  by  ZIP  Code .    The  number  of  upper  mental  group  new contracts written by the Navy and by all services for the previous year by ZIP Code .   The number of upper mental group contracts written  by  the  Navy  and  all  services  for  the current  year  by  ZIP  Code l   Any documentation that may alter previously reported  data CONFERENCE  FORMAT.–  Each  educational institution  is  verified  by  ZIP  Code  and  enrollment figures. Population, testing, and accession statistics are also verified. Any discrepancies between statistics are arbitrated.  Ultimately,  an  NRD  map  is  developed, showing all ZIP Code, station, and zone boundaries. Following a thorough analysis and assessment of all data collected, new NRD totals are computed. New totals are used to recalculate market percentages and RAFs for all ZIP Codes. You will receive this new information in the Station and Zone Level Market Share reports. AREA  STEAM  TEAM.–  Each  Area  commander directs the formation of an Area STEAM team, with the Area  marketing  support  officer  acting  as  the  Area STEAM coordinator. The STEAM team will help NRDs conduct  their  STEAM. NRD  EDUCATION  SPECIALIST.–  The  NRD education specialist (EDSPEC) is tasked with becoming the NRD STEAM expert. The EDSPEC will provide educational  population  figures  obtained  from  the  state board of education to be bounced against those collected from the field. OTHER DEMOGRAPHIC CONSIDERATIONS Demographics   is  a  term  used  to  cover  statistics related  to  a  human  population  including  size,  density, distribution, economy, employment, and a myriad of other vital statistics. When making a marketing analysis, we have to consider all the factors that may affect the recruiting  environment.  As  we  discussed  earlier,  STEAM will provide the marketing data for population size, distribution, testing results, and accession data. Your territory analysis should also include information about the area’s economy, employment, and attitudes. Economics You  should  have  a  good  idea  of  the  economic situation  of  your  territory.  What  is  the  per  capita income? How does the Navy pay compare to average local  wages  for  young  people?  Is  the  local  economy stagnant  or  is  it  steadily  growing?  Answering  these questions  will  help  you  know  your  territory. Employment Local  employment  is  always  a  competitive consideration.   Find   out   what   the   employment opportunities are and what the unemployment percentage is for your territory. This unemployment percentage should be compared to the rest of the zone and NRD. When  unemployment  is  high,  there  is  less  competition for  the  new  work  force  market.  Conversely,  when unemployment  is  very  low,  jobs  are  plentiful  and competition  is  high. Propensity to Enlist Propensity  to  enlist   is  a  term  that  has  been alternately raised and dismissed as a factor in recruiting success.  Propensity  to  enlist  basically  refers  to  how inclined people of an area are to enlist in the military service. Local attitudes, customs, and values may affect recruiting efforts. There are parts of the country that are 5-7

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