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considered to be more mobile, where pulling up roots and moving on is a way of life. Other areas are more inclined to “nest” or stay in the same community for generations. Usually, propensity to enlist is the result of one of the other demographic factors at work, but there are times  when  an  area  may  seem  to  be  either  very pro-military  or  just  the  opposite  for  no  obvious  reason. A little investigation may lead you to find that the trend is  a  result  of  past  publicity  or  recruiting  practices  that left the community with either some very positive or negative  impressions.  Be  very  careful  when  using propensity to enlist as a subjective factor in gosling or manning considerations. A professional prospecting and public awareness plan can boost the propensity to enlist dramatically. USING YOUR TERRITORY ANALYSIS INFORMATION Now  that  you  have  gathered  all  this  marketing information  for  your  territory,  it  is  time  to  use  the analysis for decisions and recommendations on territory distribution, manning, and gosling. Territory  Distribution Zone, station, and recruiter boundaries should be evaluated to determine if they are equitable, manageable, and  logically  drawn. RECRUITER BOUNDARIES.– The RINC should use the STEAM data to determine the exact market share and RAF for each recruiter. Then the territory should be evaluated for quality and market segment distribution.  The  RINC  is  responsible  for  making  sure each recruiter has a fair share of the military available within the NRS boundaries to ensure the NRS territory is  properly  covered.  When  dividing  territory  among recruiters,  a  pie  slice  distribution  will  usually  result  in the  most  equitable  market  distribution. Pie  slice  distribution  involves  giving  each  recruiter a little of each type of territory available, such as a few ZIP Codes from rural, suburban, and metropolitan areas. Figure  5-5  shows  a  pie  slice  territory  distribution. Obviously, this will not always work. Some stations are comprised  of  only  one  type  of  territory.  Others  may have logistic problems in using the pie slice method. Your goal should be to accomplish fair share distribution while  maintaining  logical  divisions. STATION BOUNDARIES.– When evaluating sta- tion  boundaries,  you  should  determine  if  they  are geographically manageable with the available assets. If you find areas that would be more easily prospected from  another  station,  recommend  changing  the  bound- aries. The commanding officer (CO) must approve all boundary changes. You should also assess the quality and quantity of the available market to ensure each station  has  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  meet  its  objec- tives  within  the  district’s  quality  restraints.  If  you  find  a station  with  a  very  low  percentage  of  upper  mental group ASVAB scores, look for a neighboring ZIP Code that is producing the quality they are lacking. Then, recommend a boundary change. ZSs are responsible for making  sure  each  NRS  receives  a  fair  share  of  the military available within the zone boundaries. ZONE BOUNDARIES.– The chief recruiter (CR) and  EPO  will  evaluate  zone  boundaries.  You,  however, can  make  observations  and  forward  relevant  information up   your   chain   of   command.   Zone   boundary considerations should include the number of stations and recruiters   supervised,   geographical   anomalies, manageability, and an attempt to see that each zone has a fair share of available markets. Manning Ultimate duty assignments are made by the CO. The CR and the EPO make recommendations on manning and assignments. As a member of the Career Recruiting Force (CRF) community, you also are responsible for making manning recommendations. In making these recommendations,   you   should   consider   recruiter assignment  factors,  your  other  territory  analysis  data, and the training and experience levels of those assigned. RECRUITER  ASSIGNMENT  FACTOR.–  The RAF found on the Station Level Market Share report considers  numbers  only.  The  STEAM  program automatically figures RAF for each ZIP Code, using the following   formulas: 1. Compute the NRD weighted market: NRD MHSS X .40 + NRD 17-21 X .40 + NRD 22-29 X .20 = NRD WEIGHTED MARKET 2. Compute the ZIP Code weighted market: ZIP MHSS X .40 + ZIP 17-21 X .40 + ZIP 22-29 X .20 = ZIP WEIGHTED MARKET 5-8

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