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In other words, do you seem rushed at some stopping points and needlessly loitering at others? Are the times effective? If planned activity cannot be accomplished due to lack of prospects or COIs, ask proprietors what times  are  more  apt  to  produce  the  crowds  you  are looking  for. SCHOOL FOLDERS The  School  Folder,  NAVCRUIT  Form  1133/37, provides   a   planned   approach   to   prospecting   in educational facilities. The school folders list minimum activities that should be conducted through the school year  and  should  be  maintained  on  all  high  schools, vocational/technical schools, trade schools, and junior colleges in the area. The recruiter uses the school folder as a plan for the high school canvassing program, a log of  activity  accomplished,  and  an  organizer  for  the information  gathered  on  each  educational  facility.  The RINC  will  approve  the  plan  each  month  by  initialing  the school folder and may line out activities that do not apply  to  the  school.  The  ZS  will  review  the  folders during  each  station  visit  and  initial  the  folders  when  the month’s school plan has been completed or rescheduled. Let’s  look  at  some  of  the  things  you  will  want  to consider  during  these  reviews. School Year Goal Each high school should be goaled for the school year. The NRD should goal each zone for will-grads. ZSs, in turn, will compute a will-grad goal for each of their  stations.  Each  RINC  will  take  this  goal  and distribute it among the NRS’s assigned high schools. These   goals   are   computed   on   a   fair-share   basis. Determine what percentage of will-grads is located in each  zone,  station,  or  high  school  and  multiply  that percentage  times  the  district,  zone,  or  station  will-grad goal respectively. ZSs and RINCs may make subjective adjustments to account for past recruiting trends, quality, or other factors that may affect the recruiting efforts in assigned  schools. School New Contract Production During  each  review  you  should  check  the  progress of the school year goal attainment. Compare the current year production to that of the past 3 years on page 3 of the school folder. Note improvements and ask what the recruiter has done to increase the production. Do not forget to compliment the improvement. If production seems to be declining, further evaluation of the school canvassing  program  is  needed  to  develop  a  plan  for improvement. Let the recruiter develop the plan but be ready to advise and recommend changes if necessary. Faculty Blueprinting Information When reviewing school folders, look to see if there is  sufficient  blueprinting  information  listed  for  educators and staff. If only names are filled in, take some time to see if the recruiter knows more about the faculty than is listed in the folder. If this is the case, have the recruiter provide  further  documentation  in  the  folder.  If  the recruiter  cannot  provide  additional  details,  chances  are he or she has an inadequate school canvassing program. Training should be conducted and the RINC may want to accompany the recruiter on the next school visit. The idea  behind  blueprinting  faculty  is  to  continuously  add to the recruiter’s COIs and make each faculty member a “friend  of  the  Navy.”   This  information  should  be documented  to  give  the  next  recruiter  a  history  of information.  It  also  gives  a  good  overview  of  the recruiter’s  efforts  in  the  school,  so  supervisors  can  better advise  on  additional  coverage. Recruiter  Activities Review the activities planned and completed during the month. Ask pertinent questions and look for notes explaining the status and/or success of activities that are listed. Be alert to frequent rescheduling of activities. Ask whether  these  reschedules  could  have  been  avoided  with better  planning  and  attention.  The  school  visits themselves should only be rescheduled at the school’s request or extreme emergency. Although the RINC is authorized to line out activities that do not apply to the school, make sure this is not being done just as a matter of convenience. Check to see if additional activities have been  added  by  the  recruiter  or  RINC.  Each  school  will have special needs and activities that should be added to the  school  folder.  Additional  comments  and  notes sections can be used by anyone planning or reviewing the school folder. This section can be used for additional activities, suggestions   for   improvement,   or acknowledgement  of  successes. Additional School Folder Information The  school  folder  should  be  a  complete  canvassing encyclopedia for the school. The more documentation you provide in the folder, the better history you are leaving for the next recruiter. Make the folder work for you. Any information, reminders, or status that you find useful  can  be  included. 5-20

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