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Saturday’s  appointment,  and  is  met  with  yet  another reschedule  request.  This  time  the  recruiter  schedules the  appointment  at  the  prospect’s  house  during  a scheduled  itinerary  the  next  week. This  planner  was  effective,  allowed  for  flexibility, and  was  adjusted  when  necessary.  The  recruiter followed the plan and accomplished phone prospecting in less time than scheduled, showing an improvement. APPLICANT  LOG Each   recruiter,   RINC   and   ZS   maintains   a current-month   Applicant   Log,   NAVCRUIT   Form 522012.  This  allows  recruiting  personnel  and  their supervisors to track applicants for possible enlistment and serves as a training tool. The Science and Art of Navy Recruiting,  COMNAVCRUITCOMINST   1133.6, provides  detailed  instructions  for  completing  the applicant log. The recruiter’s log contains the names of  all  individuals,  prospected  and  non-prospected,  who were interviewed face-to-face, whether or not they are qualified. The RINC’s log contains the names of all individuals  from  the  recruiters’  logs  who  appear  to  be qualified mentally, morally, and physically. The ZS’s log  should  contain  all  of  the  individuals  from  the RINC’s station logs. As a minimum, ZSs must update their  applicant  log  daily  during  a  DPR  with  each RINC. This   transfer   of   information   may   be accomplished in person or by phone. Faxing of logs for  this  purpose  is  prohibited.  The  DPR  will  be explained in greater detail later in this chapter. The applicant logs must be maintained for the current and past 12 months. The  applicant  logs  are  effective analysis  tools  for  a  variety  of  recruiting  activities. Figure 8-2 is a sample applicant log for a recruiter. Using the Applicant Log to Evaluate School Canvassing When  evaluating  school  canvassing  efforts,  check the applicant logs in addition to the school folders. Look for counselor referral interviews, coded RC on the  log. If  the  log  seems  to  be  lacking  in  RC interviews,  chances  are  that  the  station  school canvassing program needs some attention. Look for total  11S  interviews. You  may  also  want  to cross-check  the  interview  dates  with  scheduled  school visits.  If  many  11S  interviews  are  being  conducted  at the  school,  delve  a  bit  further. Are  they  being conducted in a one-on-one situation? Is there a reason so  many  prospects  could  not  come  to  the  office  for interviews?  Have  follow-ups  in  the  office  been scheduled? Using the Applicant Log to Evaluate  Itineraries When  evaluating  itineraries,  you  should  also  check the   applicant   logs   for   PDC   and   COI   referral interviews,  coded  PD  and  RI  respectively.  If  the station   has   effective   itineraries,   they   should   be resulting  in  contracts  and  interviews  in  these  modes. If you find the logs lacking in these areas, it’s a good indication  that  you  will  need  to  spend  some  time training  to  itineraries. Using the Applicant Log to Evaluate DEP Leadership The number of RD interviews on the applicant logs gives you a good clue to an important facet of DEP leadership. Are  the  DEP  personnel  being properly trained and motivated to provide referrals? A station cannot afford to miss out on this source of prospects. If you determine that there is a shortfall of RD  interviews,  plan  on  attending  the  next  DEP meeting  to  find  out  firsthand  where  your  training needs  to  be  directed. Using the Applicant Log to Evaluate Applicant Quality As a recruiting supervisor, you are tasked with monitoring  applicant  quality. The  applicant  log provides the information you need to determine if the station  is  spending  time  with  the  correct  markets. Check  to  see  if  upper  mental  group,  high  school diploma  graduate,  minority,  and  potential  special program applicants are being interviewed in sufficient quantities to meet the station’s goal. Problems in this area  may  signal  you  to  conduct  RINC  training  on loading  working  ticklers  to  achieve  station  goals. Using the Applicant Log to Evaluate  Prospecting The applicant logs can tell you quite a bit or at least give you an indicator about prospecting within the  station.  One  of  the  obvious  indicators  is  the number  of  interviews  being  conducted  in  each prospecting  mode. Does  it  appear  that  all  the prospecting  tools  are  being  used?  Is  the  station generating  sufficient  numbers  of  applicants?  Another effective indicator is the number of interviews that 8-5

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