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l  Recruiter/territory  –  Check  to  see  if  one recruiter or territory is having more than a fair share of the attrition. The problem may be lack of training or  a  territorial  difficulty. l Length of time in DEP – Divide DEP time into 3-  or  4-month  intervals  and  plot  out  the  attrites. Determine which time frame is resulting in the most attrites. Long periods in DEP may result in a waning of interest if DEP management efforts falter. Short DEP  periods  may  leave  the  recruit  unprepared  for shipping  to  RTC. l DEP involvement – Besides the length of time in DEP, check on the depth of DEP involvement. Did the  attrite  attend  DEP  meetings?  Were  required  DEP contacts  made? l BEERs factors – Look for similarities in BEERs factors  such  as  age,  education,  police  involvement, drug  abuse,  and  pre-existing  medical  problems. l Sex – Determine if attrition percentages are significantly  different  for  males  or  females. l  Program  –  Check  to  see  if  program  is  a significant factor. Are  more  attrites  coming  from nonschool  guarantee  program  or  longer  enlistment requirement  programs? l Waiver – Determine if a significant portion of the attrites required waivers for enlistment. l Identification – For DEP attrites, find out when the  attrite  was  identified.  All  attrites  should  be identified  as  soon  as  possible.  If  in-month  attrition  is significantly high, take a look at DEP management. BEERs  and  motivation  should  be  checked  during every  DEP  contact. Using  Your  Analysis  Factor Information As with the waiver analysis, the attrition analysis will  help  recruiting  supervisors  identify  potential problems  that  reduce  the  effectiveness  of  their  teams. Look for trends in the factors we discussed. Do some factors  seem  to  be  common  to  more  attrites  than others?  The  idea  is  to  paint  a  picture  of  the  DEP member  most  likely  to  attrite.  We  do  this  not  to avoid  enlisting  these  types  of  individuals,  but  to identify those in DEP who may need greater attention and  motivation. We  are  also  looking  at  potential training  requirements  in  the  station.  The  analysis information  is  only  the  beginning.  Once  you  have identified  potential  problems,  you  need  to  dig  in. First,  talk  with  the  RINC  and/or  recruiters  involved. Get  their  opinions,  possible  problems,  and  solutions. Check  P-cards  for  all  attrites,  conduct  DEP  executive phone calls, observe DEP and recruiter interaction, and  attend  DEP  meetings.  This  hands-on  problem identification  will  enable  you  to  plan  appropriate training. DELAYED  ENTRY  PROGRAM LEADERSHIP Successful  recruiters  know  that  the  customer relationship does not end with the sale. They realize that  the  relationship  only  begins  with  the  sale. Beyond being simply a sales agent, recruiters must grow into a sustaining resource for their customers who  are  now  members  of  the  DEP.  Effective  DEP leadership  must  meet  two  main  objectives:  train  and motivate DEP members and generate referral activity. A strong, motivated DEP provides a major source of prospects. A poorly organized DEP is detrimental and fosters attrition. The Delayed Entry Program (DEP) Management  Manual,  COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1133.7,  provides  in-depth  information  on  DEP leadership  responsibilities,  conduct  of  DEP  meetings, and  training  materials. This instruction should be used as a source for all DEP leadership training. DEP LEADERSHIP RESPONSIBILITIES DEP  leadership  is  a  responsibility  at  every  level  in our chain of command. The recruiter is responsible for  maintaining  and  recording  contacts  with  DEP members, providing them with a list of items to bring and not to bring to MEPS when reporting for active duty, updating the DEP members on Navy information and monitoring eligibility requirements during the DEP period. The RINC is ultimately responsible for scheduling  all  NRS  DEP  meetings  and  implementing and operating the NRS DEP. The RINC also makes sure the DEP status board is prominently displayed and  up  to  date. The  ZS  identifies  and  trains  to weaknesses and deficiencies to reduce or eliminate DEP attrition. The ZS must conduct DEP executive telephone screens each month. The ZS also provides the CR with a monthly zone DEP meeting schedule and assists in presenting lectures and awards at those meetings. The CR attends a minimum of one DEP meeting  each  month  and  assists  in  DEP  award presentations. The  commanding  officer  (CO), 8-17

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