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conducted, the 2-month requirement starts over. The production  inspection  may  be  used  by  the  ZS  as  a management tool. It also may be used for reference by inspectors  and  trainers.  Corrective  plans  are  developed by the responsible ZS in concert with the RINC of the inspected NRS. Corrective plans should be directed at the major cause(s) of production problems. Production inspections  take  priority  over  all  other  types  of inspections. YOUR ROLE AS THE INSPECTOR You may be called upon to conduct a production or periodic inspection in another zone. You undoubtedly will need to perform turnover inspections. Before any inspection,  we  must  adopt  a  certain  mind-set. Remember  the  purpose  of  the  inspection  program-to identify  deficiencies  so  they  can  be  corrected.  You  may want  to  approach  each  type  of  inspection  a  bit differently. Production inspections, by their very nature, are more serious than a periodic or turnover inspection. The  goal,  however,  is  still  to  find  ways  to  increase productivity and efficiency. Use the MITT inspection checklist.  If  you  find  something  that  doesn’t  look  right, ask questions. Remember you are inspecting the billet and  not  the  person.  You  want  to  refrain  from  any personal  attacks  on  the  RINCs  and  be  sure  not  to countermand  anything  their  chain  of  command  may have   required.   Never   argue;   keep   your   demeanor pleasant but professional. Try not to editorialize. The inspection is for facts, not opinions. Look at the entire system as you inspect. Isolated errors do not always indicate  a  problem.  Overall,  you  want  to  be  helpful. The  way  you  communicate  your  ideas  to  the  RINCs will  determine  how  much  they  decide  to  take  on  board. YOUR ROLE AS THE INSPECTEE Everyone  takes  their  turn  as  the  recipient  of  an inspection. Look on it as an opportunity to shine and possibly  learn  some  new  ideas  that  will  help  your recruiters  become  more  successful.  Keep  an  open  mind. We  advise  those  inspecting  not  to  personalize  the inspection. When you are being inspected, the reverse is true. The inspection is a reflection of the job you do every day. Take it personally. If mistakes are found, systems  are  discovered  to  be  dysfunctional,  or  any discrepancies  are  noted,  take  the  responsibility.  Whether you are the RINC or the ZS, take the rap. On the other hand, if you feel a discrepancy is being unduly written, speak up. If you can show the inspector the discrepancy does not exist, he or she will normally remove it from your report. Again, the way you communicate will go a  long  way  in  finding  an  open  mind.  Don’t  argue. Simply present your case professionally. Review the MITT inspection checklist before you are inspected. Try to have as much of the information the inspector will need readily available. If possible, lay out reports, logs, and other inspection items on a table or desk where you want the inspector to work during his or her stay. Greet the  inspector  as  a  shipmate  instead  of  the  enemy. Remember—you   too,   will   have   to   till   the   role   of inspector  at  some  point. INSPECTION REPORTING AND TRACKING Original inspection reports are maintained at the NRS for 3 years. ZSs should maintain the original ZS inspection report in their office. Copies of all inspection reports are sent to the CO via the chain of command for review. The EPO will maintain the copy on file at the NRD for 3 years. The CR makes sure corrective action plans are developed by the appropriate supervisors to correct  problems  and  deficiencies  noted  during  all  NRS inspections.   There   is   no   required   format   for   the corrective  action  plan  as  long  as  it  is  written  and implemented.  Supervisors  may  want  to  make  a  formal POA&M   or   simply   a   written   plan   to   correct   the deficiencies.  All  personnel  involved  with  the  corrective action should receive a copy of the plan. Make sure all concerned  understand  their  responsibilities  and  the overall goal of the corrective action plan. ZSs initiate inspection report discrepancy tracking sheets listing the discrepancy number and the date corrected and submit them monthly to the CR until all discrepancies have been  resolved. ZONE PRODUCTION AND PLANNING MEETINGS Zone  production  and  planning  meetings  fulfill  a variety of purposes. Training, production review, and goal setting can all be accomplished at the meeting, They  provide  an  excellent  time  to  give  public recognition.   The   meetings   can   be   used   for   group problem  solving  and  provide  an  increased  opportunity for team building. All major sales forces have some sort of  meeting  or  conference  to  discuss  production, planning,  and  generally  stir  up  the  fires  of  motivation. These   meetings   are   especially   important   because recruiters   are   scattered   around.   Enthusiasm   and momentum  can  often  be  reclaimed  as  the  result  of getting together with a group of one’s own. Effective meetings  are  well-thought-out  and  follow  set  rules  and agendas.  We’ll  cover  those  considerations,  your  role  as 9-5

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