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U S P S P o s t a l B u l l e t i n . T h i s b i - w e e k ly
publication provides updates to the DMM and
IMM, as well as other mail related items.
Postage Rates, Fees, USPS Poster 123-L or
123-S. This poster is used at each location where
domestic postage rates are calculated.
International Postage Rates and Fees, USPS
Poster 51. This poster is used at each location
where international postage rates are calculated.
Postal Zone Chart. The Chart lists the zones in
which the various ZIP Codes are located in
relation to your local mailing address. Use this
chart at each location where postage rates are
Ensure all previously mentioned publications,
manuals, and instructions are on hand at the official
mail acceptance site. Establish operating and
controlling procedures to ensure official mail is
processed, dispatched, and delivered as fast and
efficiently as possible. Maintain proper safeguards and
security controls to prevent the destruction or theft of
official mail and the compromise of any classified
In addition to required publications, manuals, and
instructions, your official mail acceptance site will
require a mechanical or electronic scale that measures
from 1 ounce to 70 pounds. This necessary equipment
is used to determine the weight of mailings and the
amount of postage required on outgoing official mail.
Monitor unauthorized use of official mail and
notify the activity OMM or commanding officer of any
incident of unexplained missing, misdirected, or
delayed official mail.
Installations, activities, and staff elements will
appoint OMMs. In the absence of the OMM, the
commanding officer may appoint an assistant OMM
to perform the official mail manager’s duties.
The appointment may be a collateral duty
assignment. The commander will execute the
appointment by an official letter. The letter includes
the appointee’s official address, telephone number,
and e-mail address (if available) in the letter.
Distribute copies as follows:
Major claimant OMMs—send copies to the
appropriate Immediate Superior in Command
(ISIC), OMM, and the Navy OMM
Tenant command OMMs—send copies to the
appropriate ISIC OMM and host command
Host command OMMs—send copies to the
appropriate ISIC OMM.
OMMs must be E-7 or above, or a DOD civilian
GS-7 or above. This requirement is waived only when
the command concerned has no personnel in the grades
specified. The OMM must be from the support element
within the command.
When charged with the operation of a military post
office (MPO) or assigned duty in an MPO, the person
designated as postal officer for the command may
NOT be designated as the command OMM, as a
conflict of interest may result.
Q2. An OMM may be a DOD civilian GS-7
(minimum) or an active duty military person of
what minimum paygrade?
The establishment of formal training for all
personnel involved with the handling of official mail
is a must. Commands should provide local training for
administrative personnel on an annual basis.
Assistance in establishing training at the command
level should be provided upon request.
The OMM of the host command or the command
operating the meter site should conduct annual
mandatory training for the tenant command/activity
OMMs. Training seminar schedules should be
published 30 days in advance.
The OMM should be available to give command
level briefings upon request.
Consolidation is the process of combining into one
container two or more pieces of mail directed to the
same addressee or installation on the same day. That
one container is then sent to the addressee as one piece
of mail. The container may be a bag, envelope, box, or
pouch that holds two or more pieces of mail.
C o n s o l i d a t e d m a i l i s a r e l i a b l e w a y t o s h ip
administrative and operational communications or
logistical items between headquarters, depots,
contractors, installations, and operational units. The
mail remains intact while in transit and reduces the
number of times the contents are sorted. This reduces