| |
Notification of next of kin (NOK)Continued
hours between which NOK must be notified of
casualty, 4-8
sailing imminent or notification impractical, 4-8
undue delay, 4-8
Office occupations and management, 1-1
assigned duties, 1-1
Officer service records, 1-13
Organization structure supporting Source Data System,
associate data base administrator, 1-9
site manager, 1-9
supervisor, 1-8
terminal area security officer, 1-9
terminal operator, 1-8
user assistance section, 1-9
Overseas service, 2-14
personnel found unsuitable for overseas duty, 2-15
reassignment due to unsuitability, 2-16
screening procedures, 2-15
screening reports, 2-16
selection of personnel, 2-14
waivers of screening requirements, 2-16
Pay and allowance documents preparation and sub-
mission, 1-11
individuals that are authorized to sign, 1-11
office that forwards, 1-11
quality control, 1-11
responsibility for handling, 1-11
PCSTO and STO, 1-9
construction of accounting data, 1-9
detaching and reporting endorsements, 1-10
order issuing authorities, 1-9
signatures on, 1-9
Performance work statement, 5-4
Personal awards, 1-5
Personnel casualty reporting and assistance, 4-1
civilian casualty report, 4-2
incapacitated individual, 4-1
items required in a casualty report, 4-1
member away from his or her command, 4-1
members command unknown, 4-1
precedence of reporting message, 4-1
report format, 4-2
reports required, 4-1
reports submitted for family members, 4-1
types of casualties, 4-1
Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System
(PPBS), 5-2
Preliminary squadron manpower document (PSQMD),
Preparation and proofreading of correspondence, 1-2
before preparing correspondence, 1-2
keeping reader in mind, 1-2
letters of appreciation and commendation, 1-7
purpose of proofreading, 1-2
use of complicated terms, 1-2
Preparation of personal award recommendation form,
administrative processing of recommendations, 1-5
amount of detail, 1-5
awarding authorities, 1-7
block-by-block preparation instructions, 1-5
classified recommendations, 1-5
end-of-tour award, 1-5
form used to prepare, 1-5
limitation on citation typewritten lines, 1-5
policy considerations, 1-5
proposed citation, 1-5
recommendation by other than members CO, 1-5
submission of recommendations, 1-5