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HOME OF RECORD This term means the place
recorded as the home of the member when
commissioned, appointed, enlisted, inducted, or
ordered into a relevant tour of active duty, or
the place recorded as the home of the individual
when reinstated, reappointed, or reenlisted only
when such reinstatement, reappointment, or
reenlistment follows a break in service of at
least 1 full day. The home of record is used for
the purpose
of determining travel and
a l l o w a n c e s or
p r o v i d e d b y l a w w h en
entitlement is based on the home of record at
the time of entry into service, or call to active
HUMS Humanitarian assignment.
IFF Identification friend or foe.
IFR Instrument flight rules.
IMAPMIS Inactive Manpower and Personnel
Management Information System.
TOUR An in-place consecutive overseas tour is
one in which, upon completion of an initial
overseas tour (including voluntary extensions), a
member agrees to serve another prescribed tour
at the same PDS.
No PCS movement is
INSTRUCTION A directive containing authority or
information having continuing reference value,
or requiring continuing action. It remains in
effect until superseded or otherwise canceled by
the originator or higher authority.
IRR Individual Ready Reserve.
ISIC Immediate superior in command.
ISSUE IN KIND An issue in goods rather than in
IUSS Integrated Undersea Surveillance System.
JAG Judge Advocate General.
JAGMAN Manual of the Judge Advocate General.
JFTR Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Volume 1,
NAVSO P-6034.
This publication is now
published on a disk rather than on paper.
JUMPS Joint Uniform Military Pay System.
KVDT Keyboard video display terminal. As used
in the SDS, the KVDT is a component of the
computer used to process SDS events.
LAN Local area network.
LANTFLT Atlantic Fleet.
LATERAL CHANGE IN RATE A conversion from
one rate to another; for example, Seaman
Apprentice (SA) to Airman Apprentice (AA) or
Boatswains Mate Third Class (BM3) to
Quartermaster Third Class (QM3).
LDO/CWO PROGRAM Limited Duty Officer/Chief
Warrant Officer Programs. These programs are
the principal
enlisted-to-officer programs
sponsored by the Navy that do not require a
college education.
LES Leave and Earnings Statement. The LES is
the source document that contains details of
both the members pay and leave account. It is
a printout of information contained in the
members Master Military Pay Account
LETTERHEAD In letters, this is the address of a
command preceded by the DEPARTMENT OF
THE NAVY. This information is all centered
on the fourth line from the top of the page.
LIMDU Limited duty.
LOCO PARENTIS A person who stood in place of
a parent to the servicemember 24 hours a day
for a period of at least 5 years before the
servicemember became 21 years old or entered
military service.
LOST TIME That period of time not included in
determining cumulative years of service for all
military purposes.
LPD Amphibious transportation dock.
LPH Amphibious assault ship (helicopter).