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This chapter contains a discussion of overseas
Service. As you read this chapter, you will learn
about command sponsorship of dependents at
overseas duty stations, permanent change of
station (PCS) of members traveling to overseas
locations accompanied by dependents, and
dependents traveling overseas without the
sponsor. You will also learn the purpose and
restriction on use of a no-fee passport, and be able
to explain terms associated with passport and
visa requirements. Additionally, you will be able
to identify some of the forms used when applying
for passports, application procedures, and visa
requirements. Finally, you will be able to identify
the types of orders and recognize the purpose of
the travel certificate separation without orders.
As a PN you will be involved in processing
overseas transfers atone time or another in your
career. You must realize before hand the
importance of properly screening all personnel
who are under orders to an overseas activity.
Proper screening of personnel and their
dependents before their actual transfer prevents
unsuitability. Refer to figures 11-1 and 11-2,
which show you two different Sailors being
interviewed for overseas assignment by two
different transfer PNs. Notice the care they
display in explaining to individuals their specific
requirements. You should do the same.
In this section, a discussion on screening of
personnel for actual overseas activities is
presented. Also discussed is the requirement for
screening personnel for certain activities that are
not considered overseas but do require the use
and completion of the Report of Suitability for
Overseas Assignment, NAVPERS 1300/16.
Overseas service is defined as military
duty performed while assigned to a military
installation or activity permanently based
outside the forty-eight contiguous United
States. Hawaii is considered all overseas
area, but is exempt from personnel screening
Figure 11-1.PN2 is shown here explaining information to a young Sailor from the ENLTRANSMAN on
his prospective overseas transfer.