| |
from the assigned duty station, this person should be
provided with instructions as to what to do in case there
is a requirement to change information contained on his
or her page 2.
There are other things you must know about
updating the page 2. For example, when you update a
service members page 2 and there is a change of
address, you must make sure you obtain a copy of the
rental/lease agreement (or mortgage documents) from
the member for variable housing allowance (VHA)
purposes, if appropriate. If a change of address must be
made and the individual is entitled to VHA, make sure
you have the member complete anew VHA certificate.
A sample blank VHA certificate is shown in figure 5-13.
After you have the VHA certificate and the new
rental/lease or mortgage documents (and other required
documents as specified in the DFAS PAYPERSMAN),
you should then prepare a NAVCOMPT 3060 to reflect
the change of the VHA entitlement. Remember to use
the guidelines set forth in the DFAS PAYPERSMAN
and/or the SDSPROMAN as appropriate.
Whenever you prepare page 2s or any other
documents in the enlisted service record, always refer
to the applicable instructions that contain clerical
guidance on the preparation and distribution of these
documents. The instructions will give you the correct
Remember, the documents in your
shipmates service records will affect their careers and
their lives. Your job is to use the correct guidelines to
maintain these records accurately and properly. Do not
rely just on your memory or your past experience to do
this. Always use the most current official instructions.
Instructions and manuals are always being updated,
and new procedures for preparing certain documents
are often changed. Can you see why it is so important
to use the most current official guidelines? If you do
not follow the steps in these instructions or manuals,
you are wasting your time and the time of other persons
who will review your work. You do not want to keep
retyping your shipmates pay and other documents, do
you? Remember that the quality of the product starts
with you.
(PAGE 3)
According to the MILPERSMAN, Article
5030260, the Enlisted Classification Record,
NAVPERS 1070/603, page 3 of the service record, has
been discontinued.
The Enlisted Qualifications
History, NAVPERS 1070/604 (page 4) now contains
information that the discontinued page 3 used to contain.
You should still be aware of the page 3 (fig. 5-14)
because it may contain pertinent information
concerning a members aptitude test scores, civilian
education and training, personal interests, civilian
experience, and certain recommendations and remarks
having military significance.
Although page 3 is no longer used, you should still
be able to identify it if you should come across it in the
service record. Any page 3s that have been prepared
for personnel who have enlisted or reenlisted and that
are currently filed in the service record must be retained
on the right side of the service record, unless one of the
following events occurs:
The member is retested on the Armed Services
Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Follow
guidelines provided in MILPERSMAN, Article
The member is being discharged, transferred to
the Fleet Reserve, or permanently retired.
In the case of members being discharged, transferring
to the Fleet Reserve, or permanently retired, retrieve
page 3 from the service record and give to the member.
(PAGE 4)
The Enlisted Qualifications History, NAVPERS
1070/604, page 4 of the service record, has for all
practical purposes replaced the page 3. The NAVPERS
1070/604 is shown in figure 5-15. Notice that the new
page 4 has similar sections as the old page 3. (Compare
figs. 5-14 and 5-15.) This is why the old page 3 is no
longer being used.
According to the MILPERSMAN, Article
5030280, the Enlisted Qualifications History,
NAVPERS 1070/604, for USN and USNR enlisted
members is page 4 of the service record. It consists of
a chronological history of their occupational and
training related qualifications and their awards and
When reviewing enlisted service records, be
prepared to encounter two different versions of page 4.
Most service records will contain the version shown in
figure 5-16. Figure 5-16 shows a blank front section of
the Navy Occupation/Training and Awards History,
NAVPERS 1070/604, page 4, which was previously
prepared on all enlisted service members. There is a
possibility that some commands are still using these
forms and probably will continue to use them until