approved by the Chief of Naval
Personnel (CHNAVPERS) at a members
own request. For the purpose of transfer
to the Fleet Reserve only, active
service is defined as follows: All
active duty (and active duty for training
performance subsequent to 9 August 1956) in the
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast
Guard, or any component thereof.
All active duty (and active duty for training
performed subsequent to 9 August 1956) in the
Army National Guard or Air National Guard on
federal duty
An enlistment or extension of enlistment served in
an active duty status that terminated within 3 months
of the date of expiration of enlistment
is counted as a complete enlistment.
A complete minority enlistment
(served to within 3 months of the expiration of
enlistment) is counted as 4 years of active
service. Deductions are made for all
lost time.
Applications for transfer to the Fleet Reserve
are sent to the Chief of Naval
Personnel (CHNAVPERS) (PERS 273).
Previously, applications were sent (in
quadruplicate) using Application for Transfer to the
Fleet Reserve, NAVPERS 1830/1 (fig. 13-7), they are
now sent by message.
Figure 13-7.Application for Transfer to the Fleet
Reserve, NAVPERS 1830/1.