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message of suitability or unsuitability after receipt of the
completed NAVPERS 1300/16, and make the
appropriate service record entries.
Although the CO is ultimately responsible for
making sure that the following actions are
accomplished, you, as a PN, will actually perform most
of these functions yourself. The CO makes sure the
following actions are taken:
. Each individual and dependent being assigned
overseas is screened within 30 days after receipt of the
transfer directive. If delay is anticipated beyond the
30-day period, an interim message must be sent by the
transferring command or servicing Personnel
Support Activity Detachment (PERSUPPDET) to
BUPERS (PERS 40 and PERS 462) explaining the
delay and stating an estimated date of completion.
Members cannot be transferred before satisfactorily
completing overseas screening.
. A command review is conducted according to
provisions of chapter 4 of the ENLTRANSMAN and the
Suitability Screening for Overseas Assignment,
OPNAVINST 1300.14, to determine if the individual
and dependents, if applicable, meet the eligibility
requirements for overseas assignment.
. During the command review, members and
family members are briefed on dependent entry
requirements, traveling, and living conditions at the next
duty station. For members that are assigned and have
elected an unaccompanied tour, make sure the member
is familiar with article 6810105 of the Naval Military
Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN), NAVPERS
15560, concerning command-sponsored and
noncommand-sponsored dependents.
information concerning command sponsorship is
discussed later in the chapter.
. Suitability/unsuitability determination is based
on member/dependent(s) medical and command
reviews and any other reliable information from
individuals, such as the chaplain, family advocacy
representative, command financial specialist, and so
. The member has sufficient obligated service to
complete the appropriate accompanied/unaccompanied
Department of Defense (DOD) area tour or that the
member incurs sufficient obligated service to complete
DOD area tour. Page 13 entries for obligated service
are not authorized.
l The appropriate page
members service record.
13 entries are made in the
. The Report of Suitability for Overseas
Assignment, NAVPERS 1300/16, is completed when
the member and dependents, if applicable, are
considered suitable in all respects for duty overseas, and
before preparation of the Standard Transfer Order
(STO). After the appropriate message is sent to
BUPERS and/or EPMAC, the report is filed in the
members service record.
In the next section, you will learn the procedures
that must be complied with if personnel are found not
suitable for overseas assignment.
If the transferring commands CO does not consider
an individual and/or his or her dependents suitable for
overseas service, the following actions should be carried
out by that command:
. Report such action within 30 days of receipt of
orders by message to BUPERS (PERS 40BB) or
EPMAC for nondesignated Seamen, Airmen, and
Firemen. Send an information copy to the receiving
command indicating the nature of the disqualifying
reason(s), to include steps taken to resolve problem(s),
resulting in the COs non-endorsement of overseas
assignment. Reports should be as complete as possible
to permit equitable disposition. In all cases, hold orders
in abeyance until notified by BUPERS (PERS 40BB) or
EPMAC concerning final determination.
. Once a member has been successfully screened
by the detaching command, for any subsequent
information, misconduct, or emergency medical
problems that make the member unsuitable (Occurring
at the transferring command or at any intermediate
activity en route to overseas duty), hold orders in
abeyance and notify BUPERS or EPMAC, as
appropriate. The CO must make sure the member and
dependents are aware of their responsibility to report
any circumstances that may change their suitability
status after being determined suitable for overseas
While strict adherence to overseas screening
requirements cannot be overemphasized, BUPERS
and/or EPMAC, as appropriate, can grant waivers on a
case-by-case basis. Individual COs can best judge the
qualifications and potential of each member. A CO may