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It must not be used for message traffic other than DMRS
unless specifically authorized by EPMAC.
An example of the subject line that must be used in
DMRS messages is as follows:
The UIC in the subject line is the UIC of the activity
that has personnel accounting and pay responsibility for
its own and/or other activities. You should not enter any
other information in the subject line. Information that
is not required will cause the message to be rejected
during computer processing. As a result, the
transaction will not appear in section 9 of the EDVR.
For proper accountability of all DMRS messages
submitted to EPMAC, each DMRS message must be
assigned a sequence number. The sequence number is
a two-digit number that identifies the sequence number
of the DMRS message being transmitted. A sequence
(SEQ) TAC (first transaction in each DMRS message)
will be used to identify the sequence number of each
DMRS message transmitted to EPMAC as follows:
SAMPLE: SEQ, 01, 12345/
The number cycle is from 01 to 99. After using
sequence number 99, you should begin a new cycle
starting with 01 and ending with 99. You should not
begin with 01 at the beginning of a new calendar year
unless sequence number 99 is the last one used.
The information you have just read is only a brief
description of diary message preparation. For detailed
information, refer to the DMRSMAN. The
DMRSMAN will show you exactly how to type the
many different types of transactions.
In this chapter, you read about the EDVR and how
it is distributed by EPMAC, New Orleans, Louisiana.
You read about how the EDVR is organized and you
learned about the type of information contained in its
12 sections. You read about the importance of making
sure the EDVR is maintained accurately and how the
EDVR, when maintained correctly, is used as a good
management tool.
You also read about the ODCR and how it is
distributed by BUPERS. In both the EDVR and the
ODCR, you read about the importance of the timely
submission of accurate data.
You also read about the DMRS. You learned about
the importance of safeguarding information used for
diary submission and why you should always use the
DMRSMAN for official guidance. You read about the
submission of DMRS messages and the availability of
the PCDMRS. You also read about the use of TACs and
what actions you should take in case of loss of SDS
event reporting capability.
In this chapter, you also read a brief discussion of
diary message preparation in which the proper message
diary address, subject line, and components of the TAC
line of a message diary were identified. Throughout
this chapter, you were advised to use the DMRSMAN
for official guidance on any DMRS tasks you may be
assigned to perform.