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responsibility in connection with the submission of
The following information should be given to the
claims against the government. Special emphasis must
separating individual:
be placed on the following:
. That he/she is fully responsible for completeness
. Claims for reimbursement for transportation of
and accuracy of all statements of facts contained in his
dependents may not be submitted until the travel has
or her travel claim
been completed and the member has completed
separation processing. However, transportation in kind
. That, notwithstanding advice or assistance
may be furnished to dependents according to JFTR,
he/she may have received in connection with
paragraph U5212.
preparation and submission of the travel claim, he/she
alone is responsible for information contained in the
. Advance travel pay for dependents may be
travel claim
authorized up to 75 percent of entitlement.
l That misrepresentation or concealment of any
. Payment depends on actual performance of
particular material may constitute a serious federal
travel for the purpose of establishing residence.
Reimbursement is not authorized for such things as
NOTE: Explain to the individual being
pleasure or business trips.
separated that the penalty for willfully making a false
. The claim should correctly reflect the points and
claim is a maximum fine of $10,000 or a maximum
dates of the travel performed for which reimbursement
imprisonment of 5 years, or both. Also tell the
is claimed.
individual that money fraudulently received will be
recovered by the U.S. Government.
. Reimbursement may be claimed only for bona
fide dependents as defined in volume 1, chapter 5 and
Dont try to memorize everything that you should
Appendix A of the JFTR.
explain to the member during the separation interview
or while you are counseling a member in connection
. Travel must normally be effected within 180 days
with his/her separation. Remember, always check the
for dependents of members separating and within 1 year
appropriate manuals, such as the ENLTRANSMAN
for dependents of members retiring or transferring to the
and/or the appropriate instruction for guidance.
Fleet Reserve. Refer to JFTR, paragraphs U5225 and
U5230, for additional details.
. Claims for transportation of dependents before
orders are issued must be supported by a statement from
the permanent change-of-station order-issuing
authority, or designated representative, that the member
was advised before the issuance of change-of-station
orders that such orders would be issued. Refer to JFTR,
paragraph U5205.
. Personnel in paygrade E-4 who complete just
short of 2 years service at their EAOS may not be
retained on active duty solely to qualify for dependents
transportation at government expense.
l Since neither the Department of the Army, nor
the Department of the Air Force can process travel
claims for a Navy member, advise the separatee that
travel claims (that you will provide) must be processed
at the Navy disbursing office at the activity
(PERSUPPDET and/or personnel office) where he/she
is being processed for separation Emphasize to the
separatee the importance of returning the signed travel
claim(s) and the original orders as soon as possible for
prompt liquidation.
According to the JFTR, paragraph U5360,
household goods or personal effects must be turned over
to a transportation officer or to a carrier for shipment at
government expense within 1 year from the date of
retirement, temporary disability retirement, or transfer
to the Fleet Reserve. Personnel being discharged or
released from active duty have 180 days to apply for
transportation of household goods or personal effects.
The member should obtain a worksheet from the
personal property office which is called Application for
Shipment and/or Storage of Personal Property, DD
Form 1299 (fig. 13-1). DD Form 1299 (work sheet)
should be completed according to instructions contained
on the form.
Notice that blocks required to be
completed are identified with an asterisk and that some
others provide information about what is required in
them. This work sheet is returned to the personal
property office as soon as possible. Then, the personal
property office inputs the information provided from
the DD Form 1299 worksheet to a computer and prints