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Transit Planning Publications, Continued
The DMAHTC Sailing Directions provide information comparable to the
Coast Pilots for foreign coasts and coastal waters. They also provide
detailed information for the navigation team that cannot be shown on
charts. The appropriate volume of Sailing Directions, used with charts of
a suitable scale, should enable a navigator to approach strange waters with
adequate information for the vessels safety.
The Sailing Directions are based on a division of the worlds water into
eight "ocean basins" (but these are not the same as those used for two-
and three-digit chart numbers). Sailing Directions are given three-digit
identification numbers starting with DMAHTC Pub No. 121. The Sailing
Directions are made up of two components and contain information as
Planning Guides. Each Planning Guide covers an ocean basin containing
chapters of useful information about countries adjacent to that particular
ocean basin; information relative to the physical environment and local
coastal phenomena; references to publications and periodicals listing
danger areas; recommended ship routes; detailed electronic navigation
systems and buoyage systems pertaining to that ocean basin.
Changes for each Planning Guide and En route volume are prepared and
published on an as-required basis determined by the number of
accumulated revisions.
Figure 3-1. Limits of Sailing Directions.