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ASSIGNMENT 13 Textbook Assignment: "The Ship's Bridge (continued)" chapter 11, pages 11-9 through 11-24. 13-1. 13-2. 13-3. 13-4. 13-5. How does the ship's stern react in 13-6. For what speed are most ship's a turn? tactical  characteristics  figured? 1. It is forced into the turn 2. It is pulled into the turn 3. It is forced away from the turn 4. It is sucked away from the turn 1. 5 kn 2.   10 kn 3.   15 kn 4.   Standard  speed What causes the ship to turn slowly  over  several  lengths? 13-7. What rudder angle should be used to  determine  tactical characteristics? 1. Side  force 2. Momentum 3. Sail  area 4. All of the above Which of the following facts best describes the action of ships turning  in  a  column? 1. 2. 10° 3. 15° 4. Standard  rudder IN  ANSWERING  QUESTIONS  13-8  THROUGH  13-10, REFER TO FIGURE 11-2 IN YOUR TEXT. USE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: SHIP'S SPEED 20 KNOTS, DECELERATING TO 10 KNOTS. 1.    A vessel gains rapidly on the ship ahead while in the turn, but  loses  distance  when  the ship  completes  her  turn  and steadies  on  the  new  course 2. A vessel gains rapidly on the ship ahead while in the turn, but  then  steadies  in  distance as the ship steadies on the new  course 3. A vessel lose distance on the ship ahead while in the turn, but  gains  rapidly  after  the ship  steadies 4. A vessels distance remains constant  both  during  the  turn and  after  steadying  on  the  new course 13-8. What is the average speed during this  period? 1. 10 kn 2. 12 1/2 kn 3. 15 kn 4. 17 1/2 kn 13-9. What is the time required to decelerate  to  10  knots? 1. 1 min 2. 2 min 3. 3 min 4. 4 min Which  folder  contains  the  ship's turning   characteristics? 13-10. How far will the ship travel before the recommended turns for 10 knots should be rung up on the engines? 1. Ship's  turning  folder 2. Ship's  maneuvering  folder 3. Ship's  tactical  data 4. Ship's  maneuvering  plan Which pertinent data determine a ship's  tactical  characteristics? 1. 500 yd 2. 1,000 yd 3. 1,500  yd 4. 2,000 yd 1.    Speed and rudder angle only 2. Speed,  rudder  angle,  set  and drift 3. Speed,  rudder  angle,  and ship's  length 4.    Speed, set and drift, and angle  of  turn IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 13-11 AND 13-12, REFER TO FIGURE 11-2 IN YOUR TEXT. USE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: A SHIP IS PROCEEDING  THROUGH  AMBROS  CHANNEL  AT  15 KNOTS. THE CAPTAIN WISHES TO ORDER 27 KNOTS WHEN CLEAR OF THE CHANNEL. 13-11. How far along the track will the ship travel from the time 27 knots is rung up, until the ship is making  that  speed? 1. 700 yd 2. 4,200 yd 3. 6,800  yd 4. 42,000 yd 84

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