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5-35. Two  ships  are  quickly  approaching each other and one ship fails to understand  the  other's  intentions. The ship in doubt should sound at least  how  many  short,  rapid  blasts of  the  whistle? 1. Five 2.    Six 3.    Three 4. Four 5-36. What signal must a vessel sound to answer  a  signal  given  by  another vessel that is obscured by a bend in a channel? 1.    One  short  blast 2.    One  prolonged  blast 3.    One prolonged blast followed by one  short  blast 4.    One  short  blast  followed  by  one prolonged  blast 5-37. When power-driven vessels are in sight of each other in inland waters, at what distance should they  sound  meeting  and  crossing signals? 1. 1 mi 2. 1/2 mi 3. 3 mi 4. 5 mi 5-38. In  inland  waters,  what  signal indicates, I INTEND TO LEAVE YOU ON MY PORT SIDE? 1. One  short  blast 2. One  prolonged  blast 3. One short blast followed by one prolonged  blast 4. One  prolonged  blast  followed  by one short blast 5-39. In inland waters, what message is indicated  by  three  short  blasts? 1. I AM TAKING YOU TO PORT 2. I AM TAKING YOU TO STARBOARD 3. I AM UNCERTAIN OF YOUR INTENTIONS 4. I AM OPERATING WITH STERN PROPULSION 5-40. In inland waters, the one- and two- short  blast  signals  signify  an intention  of  passage  with  how  many other  vessels? 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four 5-41. In inland waters, you hear one short  blast  from  an  approaching ship. What number of short blasts must your ship give if it is in agreement with the proposed maneuver? 1. One 2. Two 3.    Three 4. Five 5-42. What must be (a) the color and (b) the minimum range of a light used to supplement whistle signals in inland  waters? 1.    (a) White (b) 2 mi 2.    (a) White (b) 5 mi 3.   (a) Red (b) 2 mi 4. (a) Red (b) 5 mi IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 5-43 THROUGH 5-48, SELECT FROM COLUMN B THE RESTRICTED VISIBILITY SIGNAL REQUIRED BY THE VESSEL DESCRIBED IN COLUMN A. RESPONSES MAY BE USED MORE THAN ONCE. 5-43. 5-44. 5-45. 5-46. 5-47. A.  VESSEL B.  SIGNAL Making  way 1.  One prolonged through the blast water 2.  One  prolonged Under way but followed by two stopped short  blasts Engaged  in 3.  Two prolonged fishing blasts Towed 4.   One prolonged followed  by Pushing,  making three  short way through the blasts water 5-48.  At  anchor 5-49.    A vessel that is 100 meters or more in length and anchored in fog must sound  which  of  the  following signals  each  minute? 1.   Rapid ringing of only the bell for 5 seconds 2.    Rapid ringing of only the gong for 5 seconds 3.    Rapid ringing of bell for 10 seconds 4.    Rapid  ringing  of  bell  and  gong for 5 seconds 28

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