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perform specific functions, duties, and tasks.
Good personnel management involves your
recognizing that every individual uses a basic
knowledge, skill, or ability in performing a task
and that each persons capacities should be fully
used. In dealing with these types of dynamic
aspects in an organization, you are not expected
to be a management engineer. However, as a
senior petty officer, you should be able to
exercise your leadership responsibilities to deal
capably in the area of human relations, In this
sense, leadership can be defined as the capacity
to direct or influence the behavior of others
toward specific goals. In carrying out this
mission, you will find that your responsibilities
do not stop with the assignment of duties and the
delegation of authorityyou must also control
the functions and tasks performed through the
proper training and supervision of your people.
Accordingly, the people in your organization must
clearly recognize and understand what their duties
and responsibilities are, what authority has been
delegated to them, and to whom they are account-
able in the chain of command. In the following
sections, you will discover some of the principles
that govern the dynamic aspects of personnel
Duties are the tasks an individual is required
to perform. One of the principles of organization
you should observe is that every duty that is to
be performed must be assigned to someone. This
means that the obscure or once-in-a-while jobs
must be assigned as well as the jobs that are done
each day. When individuals are assigned jobs,
they should have a thorough knowledge of all the
procedures involved, the publications or other
directives required, and where they can obtain this
type of information. Persons who are assigned to
jobs should also know the order in which various
steps of the jobs should be performed. In addi-
tion, people should recognize that they are
expected to complete the tasks in a minimum
amount of time and yet consistently demonstrate
a certain level of quality in workmanship.
Fair Division of Work
Another principle you should observe regard-
ing the assignment of duties is the fair division
of the workload. Dont make the mistakewhich
is very easy to doof having your best person
do all the work. In the first place, your error will
result in penalizing the person for being a good,
dependable worker. When this individual leaves,
the division will be in a mild form of chaos until
someone else can be trained. Furthermore, by
placing the burden of the workload on one
individual, you fail in developing the potential of
your other workers.
Recognition of Responsibilities
The principle of unity of command states that
the final responsibility and authority at each level
of operation must rest with one person. This
means that responsibility for the accomplishment
of each task should be assigned to one specific
person. While some tasks cannot be performed
without a team, only one individual in the team
should have the responsibility for seeing that a
certain job is done. Unless your crew members
recognize what their responsibilities are, jobs are
either not going to get done or are going to get
done haphazardly. Even though individuals are
given special liberties, they should know they are
still responsible for seeing that the jobs assigned
to them must be carried out in their absence. This
is an important principle that you, as a supervisor,
must get across to your people.
Another important principle of organization
for you to follow is that authority must be com-
mensurate with responsibility. Authority is the
delegated right to make decisions in order to fulfill
a certain responsibility. Authority involves the
right to require actions of others, and the rights
of individuals to discharge those obligations for
which they are responsible. Remember, you
should delegate authority as far down the level
of command as possible without loss of control
over policy or procedures. Keep in mind, however,
that delegation of authority in no way relieves
superiors in the chain of command of their
overall responsibility. A superior is ultimately
responsible even though the subordinate to whom
the tasks are assigned remains accountable to the
superior. Here are some guidelines you can use
for effective delegation of authority:
Provide clearly stated policy guidelines to
your subordinates.
Set up proper controls and procedures.