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the DD Form 1155 will be distributed as follows
when fast pay procedures apply:
The copy from the Receipt Inspector File
(SSA-23) signed by the receipt inspector will be
forwarded to the recordskeeper and extended at
cost. It will then be sent to the ships store officer
for comparison with the incoming material file
copy. After comparison, it will be filed in the
Purchase Order File for Material Received
Awaiting Dealers Bills (SSA-11B).
The copy from the Incoming Material File
(SSA-20) will be signed by the responsible
custodian. It will then be sent to the ships store
officer for extensions and comparison with the
receipt inspectors copy. Afterwards, it will be
placed in the Accountability File (SSA-21) and
later filed with the retained returns.
Two copies taken from the Outstanding
Purchase Order File (SSA-11A) must have the
following information recorded on them when it
applies: date of receipt of material, quantities
received, cost extensions, and retail extensions.
After all the ships store records have been posted,
the documents will be filed as follows:
ROM users will compare the dollar amount
posted to the Journal of Receipts,
NAVSUP Form 977, with the manually
extended dollar amount on the receipt
One copy in the Receipts From Purchase
File (SSA-4) until the monthly transmittal
to the appropriate FAADC.
One copy in the Purchase Order File for
Material Received Awaiting Dealers Bills
For United States merchandise, the DD Form
1155 will be distributed as follows when fast pay
procedures do not apply:
The original in the Outstanding Purchase
Order File (SSA-11A) will be moved to the
Purchase Order File for Material Received
Awaiting Dealers Bills (SSA-11B).
The copy from the Receipt Inspector File
(SSA-23) signed by the receipt inspector will be
forwarded to the recordskeeper and extended at
cost. It will then be sent to the ships store officer
for comparison with the incoming material file
copy. After comparison, it will be filed in the
Purchase Order File for Material Received
Awaiting Dealers Bills (SSA-11B).
The copy from the Incoming Material File
(SSA-20) will be signed by the responsible
custodian. It will then be sent to the ships store
officer for extensions and comparison with the
receipt inspectors copy. Afterwards, it will be
placed in the Accountability File (SSA-21) and
later filed with the retained returns.
Two copies taken from the Outstanding
Purchase Order File (SSA-11A) must have the
following recorded on them: date of receipt of
material, quantities received, cost extensions, and
retail extension when applicable. After all the
ships store records have been posted, file the
copies as follows:
ROM users will compare the dollar amount
posted to the Journal of Receipts, NAV-
SUP Form 977, with the manually ex-
tended dollar amount on the receipt
One copy in the Receipts From Purchase
File (SSA-4) until the monthly transmittal
to the appropriate FAADC.
One copy in the Purchase Order File for
Material Received Awaiting Dealers Bills
For foreign merchandise received from the
Navy exchange under fast pay procedures, the DD
Form 1155 will be distributed as follows:
The copy from the Receipt Inspector File
(SSA-23) signed by the receipt inspector will be
forwarded to the recordskeeper and extended at
cost. It will then be sent to the ships store officer
for comparison with the incoming material file
copy. After comparison, it will be filed in the
Purchase Order File for Material Received
Awaiting Dealers Bills (SSA-11B).
The copy from the Incoming Material File
(SSA-20) will be signed by the responsible
custodian. It will then be sent to the ships store
officer for extensions and comparison with the
receipt inspectors copy. Afterwards, it will be
placed in the Accountability File (SSA-21) and
later filed with the retained returns.