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9-54. The manifest summary lists the
measurement tons for all EXCEPT which
of the following material categories?
1. Each major commodity
2. Each transportation account code
3. Each agency responsible for payment
of charges
4. Each type of priority
9-55. Cargo stored on deck is identified on
the ocean cargo manifest summary by
what method?
1. OD in the Cargo column
2. Y in the On Deck column
3. X in the On Deck column
4. X in the Measurement Ton column
9-56. Government owned and operated
equipment can be used to transport
freight what maximum number of miles?
1. 200
2. 100
9-57. Government vehicles can be used to
transport freight in emergencies
beyond allowable distances when
authorized by what official?
1. Area coordinator
2. Commanding officer
3. Transportation officer
4. Supply officer
9-58. When government vehicles are scheduled
for repeated trips exceeding the
maximum allowed miles, all EXCEPT
which of the following information
must be forwarded to NAVSUP?
1. Frequency of movement
2. Approximate tonnage involved
3. Mode of transportation to be used
4. Points between which the trips are
to be made
9-59. What document is used to substantiate
shipment of material by a
government-owned vehicle?
1. Transportation Control Movement
2. Government Bill of Lading
3. Navy Bill of Lading
4. Single Line Item Release/Receipt
9-60. Shipment marking requirements for
supplies purchased for local use
should be specified by which of the
following publications or
1. MIL-STD 129
3. NAVSUPINST 4610.32
4. Requisitioning activity
9-61. SNAP I was developed for all EXCEPT
which of the following types of
1. AFS
2. BB
3. CVN
4. LPH
9-62. Through what media type are SNAP I
and SNAP II computer systems able to
communicate with each other?
1. Phone line
2. Magnetic tape
3. Direct link
4. Network
9-63. What SNAP system or subsystem keeps
the ships recordkeeping and reports
for manpower?
1. Administrative Data Management
2. Maintenance Data System (MDS)
3. Supply and Financial Management
4. System Management System (SMS)