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Citation of Fund Codes or
Accounting Data on Requisitions
A fund code will be cited on all requisitions
to identify the chargeable operating budget and
expense element. On each purchase document and
on all other supply documents that require a
complete line (nine data fields) of accounting data,
the accounting data will be entered as prescribed
in this paragraph. (Travel orders, work requests,
and project orders are not considered as supply
documents and should be prepared per paragraph
4403 of the NAVSO P-3013-2.) Each of the nine
fields of a complete line of accounting data
requires a specific number of elements to complete
the field. When a data field does not contain
sufficient digits to be completely filled, zeros will
be entered preceding the first significant digit to
complete the field. When a data field is not
required, zeros will be entered to completely fill
the field. Country codes are not considered one
of the nine fields of a complete line of accounting
data and the Country block should, therefore, be
left blank. The only time that the Country block
requires an entry is when you are deployed
overseas and are conducting supply business with
any one of the countries that you are visiting. The
disbursing office assigns the country codes as
per the Navy Comptroller Manual, volume
A complete line of accounting data for
material or service requisitions is broken down as
Appropriation (seven characters)
Subhead (four characters)
Object class (will be 000 unless the transaction
affects the international balance of payment,
three characters)
Bureau control number (UIC of operating
budget holder, five characters)
Suballotment (operating budget suffix, one
UIC of authorization accounting activity (six
Transaction-type code (cite 2D)
(8) Property accounting activity (service
designator code and UIC of requisitioner, six
Cost code (consists of two zeros, Julian date
[1190], serial number of requisition [1234],
and applicable fund code [BC])
Fund codes and accounting classifications for use
by the Operating Forces are contained in appendix
II of the NAVSO P-3013-2.
Occasionally, costly unanticipated require-
ments may emerge as a result of emergency or
unforeseen circumstances. When such require-
ments cannot be funded from within the assigned
OPTAR, an advance or augmentation may be
requested. Advances against the next quarters
OPTAR may be requested for annual office
equipment lease requirements to take advantage
of replenishment opportunities or to prepare for
deployment. The fact that an advance was granted
is not justification for an augmentation request
in the next quarter. When an advance or
augmentation is granted for a specific purpose,
these funds should be obligated for that purpose
only. OPTAR augmentations will not be granted
to cover loss of material due to negligence or
failure to exercise sound judgment in account-
ability and orderly replacement.
When requesting an advance or augmentation,
you should process the latest Aged Unfilled Order
Listing. Also, review all outstanding requisitions
over 90 days old to purge any invalid requirements
and hopefully to generate funds for reprogramming.
You should submit cancellation requests for any
invalid requisitions found.
Supporting Documentation
Requests for OPTAR augments or advances
will be forwarded by mail with a copy to the
immediate unit commander. Any urgent requests
may be sent by message to the TYCOM via the
immediate unit commander. When sending a
request by message, you should use the format
described in figure 3-5.
Authorization for Augments
and Advances
When requesting an augmentation or an
advance of funds, you will need to include
additional information on your request for
consumable (other) and repair parts to receive the
required amount of funds.
OTHER OPTAR. The below listed items
are required to appear on your request:
l Number of augments or advances
requested this fiscal year.