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does not get any repair part money. The money
supply gets is from issues of stock to these
departments. This money is used by supply to
order stock that has been depleted.
Other Budget
The second departmental budget report is for
other and equipage grants. This report is made
out at the same time that the repair parts report.
This budget money is divided up between every
department on the ship. In addition to the usual
departments you also could have some additional
headings such as vehicle rental, charter and hire,
habitability, damage control, and services. If your
ship issues consumables, you will have another
heading for stock. Only those ships in the fleet
having enough storage room make consumable
The term equipage refers to those noninstalled
and relatively durable items that are located in
operating spaces or other designated areas to
support recurring operational, maintenance, or
administrative functions, or to provide for the
health, comfort, or safety of the crew. Equipage
does not only include installed mechanical,
electrical, ordnance, or electronic equipment.
Equipage items generally are identifiable to end-
use application aboard ships to the extent that an
allowed quantity of the item can be determined
on an individual ship basis. The equipage items
will have an allowance equipage list (AEL)
number assigned.
The definition of controlled equipage refers
to those items of equipment that require special
management control because the material is either
essential for protection of life or relatively
valuable and easily convertible to personal use.
Controlled equipage generally is carried on board
in allowance quantities only. This requires special
inventory controls by the supply department.
Items that are classified as such are listed in the
Designation of Controlled Equipage
The controlled equipage item list (CEIL) is an
item listing that the FLTCOMs developed jointly
for special inventory control. The items selected
to be managed as controlled equipage are cate-
gorized and listed as either signature or non-
signature required items in the NAVSUP P-485.
If the commanding officer or TYCOM does
not consider the CEIL in the NAVSUP P-485 to
be sufficiently inclusive, he or she may designate
as controlled equipage additional equipage items
that he or she deems necessary to be so controlled.
Also he or she may designate as signature required
any of the nonsignature required items listed in
the NAVSUP P-485 when he or she considers such
additional control to be necessary. Items desig-
nated by the commanding officer are identified
in a list prepared by the supply officer and
approved by the commanding officer. The original
of the list is retained by the supply officer and
a copy is provided to each department head.
When items are designated by the TYCOM, the
supply officer retains a copy of the TYCOMs
directive and provides a copy to each department
Custody Codes
Each equipage item listed in the AELs and
part III, section B, of the COSAL issued since
June 1973 is assigned a single alpha code that
indicates whether the item is controlled or
noncontrolled equipage. If controlled equipage,
the code also indicates whether or not custody
signature is required and the department(s)
normally assigned custodial responsibility. See
figure 4-13 for a list of custody codes.
When distributed by the SPCC, COSALs
having equipage items that are custody coded
will be accompanied with partially prepared
Controlled Equipage Custody Records, NAVSUP
Forms 306, for each item that has a custody code.
The NAVSUP Forms 306 are provided for use as
custody records, after other required data such
as department, card number, additional descrip-
tion, and serial numbers are entered.
Custody Record
The controlled equipage custody record is the
prescribed form for use as a custody record
and inventory control document for controlled
equipage in nonautomated ships. When items are
designated as controlled equipage by the com-
manding officer or TYCOM, the notation CO
NATED ITEM, as appropriate, will be entered
on the top or bottom margin of the NAVSUP
Form 306.