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should  be  made  as  per  NAVSUPINST  4200.81 within  their  contracting  authority.  See  figure  5-15 for   contracting/ordering   officer   appointment. Authorized Callers Now  that  you  have  sent  the  necessary personnel   to   the   small   purchase   course,   you should make a list of these individuals. This list should be submitted to the supply officer for his or her file. This list should also state the dollar limitations of each person per call. Any time you change this list, you must notify the supply officer in writing to update the original list. FAST  PAYMENT The  fast  payment  procedure  is  designed  to encourage faster delivery to the government and to   improve   supplier   relations   by   speeding payments   to   contractors.    This   procedure   is especially suitable when you are the consignee and the  time  required  for  processing  would  unduly delay  payment  to  the  contractor.  To  receive payment for material delivered, the contractor will submit his or her invoice directly to the disbursing office  for  payment. The fast payment procedure is authorized in purchases that require special attention to avoid excessive  delay  through  normal  procedures.  All the following conditions must be present so that you  can  use  fast  payment: .  Individual  orders  do  not  exceed  $25,000. .  Government  ownership  occurs  if  delivery is  to  a  post  office  or  a  common  carrier  or  if delivery is taken by an NSC. l  Contractor  agrees  to  replace,  repair,  or correct   supplies   not   received   or   any   goods damaged during transit. Do  not  use  fast  payment  procedures  under  the following   conditions: . Point of inspection and acceptance is at a nearby  based  location  where  normal  receipt control  procedures  apply .  Small  purchases  by  shore  activities  and afloat units where delivery is made and normal control  procedures  can  be  used .   Get   around   established   receipt   control procedures to reduce paper work when the item is  complex  and  requires  special  quality  assurance, inspection,  and  acceptance  procedures When   using   fast   payment   procedures   you should  be  sure  all  orders  using  BPAs,  supplies, or services are issued and prepared on a DD Form 1155. Upon issuing your order on the DD Form 1155, you must make sure all material received meets the requirements of the order. When you receive  your  order,  after  inspection,  you  should notify the purchasing office within 10 days. If the material has not been received within 30 days after the required delivery date cited on the DD Form 1155, you must immediately notify the purchasing office. IMPREST FUND The  imprest  fund  is  a  simple  and  economic method  of  making  purchases  of  $500  or  less.  It is a cash fund and operates much like the petty cash fund used by private industry. It is, in effect, a miniature revolving fund. The fund is reduced as  purchases  are  made.  When  the  reimbursement voucher  is  prepared,  the  ship’s  OPTAR  is  charged for the amount spent and the money returned to the imprest fund. Authority Upon  the  written  approval  of  the  TYCOM, ships may establish an imprest fund, The supply officer,  with  the  approval  of  the  commanding officer,  must  establish  the  fund  in  writing,  setting forth the maximum amount of the fund and desig- nating an imprest cashier to act as custodian of the fund. The amount of the fund should be based on anticipated purchases, but it may not exceed $1,000  for  ships  with  Supply  Corps  officers,  or $500  for  ships  without  Supply  Corps  officers, unless  a  greater  amount  is  approved  by  the TYCOM   and   is   authorized   by   NAVSUP.   A review should be made at least once a quarter to determine  if  there  is  continuing  need  for  the  fund and  if  the  amount  of  the  fund  is  greater  than necessary. Any  officer  or  enlisted  member attached  to  the  supply  department  may  be designated as imprest fund cashier except those performing  disbursing  duties. The procedures to be followed in establishing an imprest fund and for appointing or revoking appointments of the cashier are contained in the NAVSO   P-3670. 5-24

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