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purchase receipts for which reimbursement is
The imprest fund cashier prepares the
Standard Form 1129 in an original and the
number of copies required by the disbursing
officer who replenishes the fund. The obligation
document number of each transaction is a re-
quired entry in the Cost Code column of the
Accounting Classification section of the Standard
Form 1129. The completed Standard Form 1129,
with the original of each paid dealers invoice or
subvoucher and the original of each DD Form
1348 (MVO) attached, is submitted to the
disbursing officer.
The disbursing officer
reimburses the imprest fund cashier for the
amount of acceptable dealers invoices or
subvouchers received and furnishes the cashier a
paid copy of the Standard Form 1129.
Refunds From Vendors
If a vendor refunds cash erroneously paid
before the submission of the Standard Form 1129
covering such payment, the imprest fund cashier
must accept the refund, return the money to the
imprest fund, and enter the amount of the refund
on the original (or copy tendered as the original)
of the vendors receipt. If the refund is made after
submission of the Standard Form 1129, the
cashier must enter the amount of the refund on
his or her retained copy of the form and promptly
submit the refund to the disbursing officer.
Recordskeeping for the imprest fund must be
kept to a minimum, consistent with the
requirement that adequate controls be maintained.
VOUCHER CONTROL. The imprest fund
cashier maintains, in his or her safe, a complete
and orderly suspense file of all original sales
documents and Standard Forms 1165 for which
the imprest fund cashier has not yet been
reimbursed. When these vouchers are submitted
to the disbursing officer for reimbursement, a
retained copy of the Standard Form 1129 is filed
in the safe pending reimbursement and return of
a paid copy of the Standard Form 1129 from the
disbursing officer. The paid copies of Standard
Forms 1129 returned by the disbursing officer
should be filed in chronological order in the
imprest fund cashiers safe and retained for 3
imprest fund purchase log must be locally
prepared and maintained by the imprest fund
cashier to provide a record of each transaction.
A recommended format of the log is shown in
figure 5-18.
A purchase order is an
command to buy certain
under specified terms and
offer by your ship or
supplies and services
conditions contained
in the order. The purchase order is awarded as
a result of a quotation. As has been previously
discussed about small purchases, we have gone
over the most common forms that are used in
making an open purchase. What will be discussed
in the following paragraphs is two other types of
purchasesthe unilateral and bilateral purchase
Unilateral Purchase Order
A unilateral purchase order, which is most
commonly used, is an offer by your ship or
command to buy certain supplies or services under
specific terms and conditions. The contractor
accepts the offer by furnishing the necessary
supplies or services or by proceeding with the
work to where performance has occurred. When
you issue a unilateral purchase order the
contractor is not legally obligated to perform. The
DD Form 1155 is an offer that the contractor may
accept by furnishing the supplies or services or
by proceeding with the work to a certain point
or he can accept the order simply by not
furnishing the supplies or providing the services
As the contracting officer you may, at any
time before acceptance and by written notice to
the contractor, withdraw, amend, or cancel the
offer. The procedures for withdrawal and
cancellation of purchase orders can be found in
the NAVSUPINST 4200.85.
Bilateral Purchase Order
A bilateral purchase order is an offer by your
ship or command that the contractor accepts by
signature. The contractor is requested to indicate
acceptance of a DD Form 1155 by signing in the
Acceptance block on the face of the form. The
supply officer,
or whoever he or she has
designated, will sign the DD Form 1155 and
forward it to the contractor for his or her