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The primary value of underway replenishment
is realized during wartime, since it enables a com-
bat ship to remain at sea for an indefinite period
of time. It also has peacetime advantages, as do
most maneuvers developed to enhance combat ef-
ficiency. It provides valuable training of person-
nel in the complex procedures of supplying several
vessels simultaneously while they are proceeding
at reasonable speed. Thus, in general, underway
replenishment serves a dual purposeprovides
ships with materials needed in any event and trains
the crews of discharging and receiving ships in the
procedures essential in wartime in which fuels and
stores are transferred at sea.
Senior SKs play important parts in underway
replenishment. They work closely with other
senior petty officers and most of the officers of
the supply department in planning the replenish-
ment procedures and in supervising the work in
progress. It is principally with regard to planning
that the background and knowledge of the SK1
and SKC are essential. In this respect, the func-
tion of the senior petty officer differs from that
of the lower-rated enlisted personnel involved,
since the latter seldom participate in planning
and rarely have an opportunity to take a broad
and comprehensive view of the operation as a
This chapter focuses your attention on the
essential elements in planning and executing
replenishment on board a typical ship (an aircraft
carrier) when receiving supplies at sea. No effort
is made here to provide a complete outline or to
list all the numerous steps in detailed form, since
the procedures of receiving stores underway are
not standardized to the point that an acceptable
blueprint can be furnished from outside. Rather,
in the following pages, emphasis is placed on the
factors that must be considered in formulating
local plans for efficient functioning under local
conditions. These factors include the coordina-
tion of various departments, the stations to be
manned, the amount of stores anticipated, the
personnel and equipment needed, and the special
procedures and safety precautions normally used
during replenishment operations.
When all necessary factors have been con-
sidered and all essential planning has been
executed skillfully, the underway replenishment
operation is a splendid and impressive spectacle
featuring teamwork, speed, and precision. On the
other hand, when the operation goes wrong
because of inadequate planning or from other
causes, the situation can become a nightmare of
confusion in a matter of minutes, and the resulting
knots of disorder may require many hours of hard
work to untangle.
The number of stations that must be manned
and used depends to a considerable degree upon
the amount and kind of stores anticipated. A few
days before replenishment, the transferring ships
notify the recipients as to the nature and amount
of stores to be transferred. The figures given are
in most cases loose approximations and can be
used as rough estimates for planning purposes.
A safe rule of thumb is to plan for a one-third
excess over the tonnage expected, and planners
should assume that at least some of every category
of material is to be received. A replenishment plan
must be sufficiently flexible to make sure its
usefulness is not destroyed by sudden, unexpected
changes in quantities and types of stores received.
Personnel must be on hand to handle all types of
material at once.
Especially important is a knowledge of the
quantity and type of dangerous and semisafe
material to be received. Adequate flammable
storage space must exist to accommodate all such
material to be received. Special procedures should
be setup so that this material can be taken directly
from the receiving station to the paint and flam-
mable liquid storeroom and not be allowed to ac-
cumulate on deck. An inspection should be made
of the paint and flammable liquid storerooms to
make sure they are in readiness to receive the
material without any great amount of time con-
sumed in rearrangement of stock.
Each type of stores is handled in a slightly dif-
ferent manner and is sent to different storage loca-
tions. Plans for the replenishment must take the
peculiar characteristics of all types into considera-
tion. Some of the most important aspects of
handling each category are discussed in the follow-
ing paragraphs.
General Stores
General stores received during replenishment
normally include the so-called HULL items. There
are enormous amounts of bulky materials such
as rags, toilet paper, brooms, swabs, and paint,
all of which are difficult to handle. Many of the
items are almost impossible to handle mechan-
ically. Sorting and checking must be done under
your supervision with junior SKs and strikers
assisting and directing the actual movement into